本期主題 - 享受冬季.聰明抗寒
TutorTrivia - Winter-time Secrets

Winter is in full swing and you may be looking for some ways to keep the cold outside where it belongs. Here are a few tips:
-Your blinds work two ways. Open them on the
sunny side of your home to let light and warmth in. Close them for an insulating effect in the evening.
-Tiled or hardwood floors will absorb heat from your body. Insulated slippers or area rugs will help keep your extremities warmer.
-An electric blanket will keep you toasty. It’s a good reason to cuddle up with someone on the couch and is cheaper than space heaters.
-Use weather-stripping or other forms of insulation to block drafts in your doors and windows. You can also close the doors to unused areas of your home to decrease cold air circulation.

Here are some foods and drinks commonly consumed during the winter to keep warm and bolster your immune system:
-Water- Staying hydrated will help your body to regulate its own temperature and keep bodily functions operating at peak performance.
-Nuts and Seeds- Many nuts and seeds contain selenium. It is thought that selenium prevents depression, which many people suffer from in winter time.
-Fish- Fish contains Vitamin D, which we make less of in the wintertime because of less exposure to the sun.
-Spiced cider or egg nog- Warm up some apple cider and toss in a cinnamon stick or enjoy egg nog with a splash of rum.

(1) In full swing ( phr. 片語 ) 正積極進行中;最熱鬧的階段
  The party was in full swing when the dancing started.
(2) extremity ( n. 名詞 ) 四肢 (通常為複數型)
  Keep your extremities covered in cold weather.
(3) toasty ( adj. 形容詞 ) 暖和舒適的
  The temperature in the room was up to a toasty 85 degrees.
(4) circulation ( n. 名詞 ) 循環
  Drinking more water will help your blood circulation.
(5) bolster ( v. 動詞 ) 支撐;支持;使更好
  I studied the textbook to bolster my language skills.
(6) exposure ( n. 名詞 ) 曝露
  The people near the nuclear power plant were suffering from exposure to radiation.
1. Read as often as you can to improve your English comprehension skills and reinforce vocabulary.
2. Pick a vocabulary word you are working to understand and listen for its practical use during the day.