本期主題 - 新年新希望
TutorTrivia - New Year’s Resolutions

In Western culture, New Year’s is a time for resolutions – a time to create new goals for personal development in the year to come. Common New Year’s resolutions often involve
going on diets to lose weight, learning new skills, or breaking old habits. The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that while they’re easy to make, they’re even easier to break. For example, some people will start a diet the first week of the New Year only to succumb to temptation in week two and fall off the wagon completely a week later. Others will force themselves to commit to their goals through such measures as buying year memberships to the gym or blogging their progress online for their friends and family to follow. Sometimes cash investments and accountability are the only way to help the weak-willed to stay true to their commitments. Meanwhile, others view New Year’s resolutions as an opportunity for self-betterment as they are able to progressively become the people they wish they could be.

(1) resolution ( n. 名詞 ) 新計劃、新決策
  It is a tradition to make resolutions at the start of a New Year.
(2) succumb ( v. 動詞 ) 屈從、不再抵抗
  Don’t succumb to your desire for chocolate or you’ll gain weight.
(3) temptation ( n. 名詞 ) 誘惑、引誘性
  The temptation for chocolate is making me crazy! I have to have a piece now!
(4) fall off the wagon ( idiom 厘語 ) 重新開始酗酒
  I stopped drinking alcohol last month, but I fell off the wagon a few weeks later.
(5) blogging ( n. 名詞;v. 動詞 ) 經營/撰寫部落格
  Blogging is a favorite pastime for people who like to post their ongoing activities online.
(6) investments ( n. 名詞 ) 投資
  Are most of your investments in bonds or real estate?
(7) accountability ( n. 名詞 ) 負有責任
  There must be some measure of accountability in this company if we want to get things done properly.
(8) weak-willed ( compound noun 複合性名詞; adj.形容詞 ) 脆弱的意志、意志脆弱的
  This huge task would be impossible for the weak-willed.
(9) stay true ( col. ) 忠於自我
  Don’t give up. You must stay true to your goals.
(10) commitments ( n. 名詞 ) 承擔、承諾
  I have too many family commitments, so I can’t accept a job across the country.

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