Kết quả tìm kiếm cho thẻ '電影': Tìm thấy 4 mục.
In the past 14 years since 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has released 29 movies, an average of almost two per year, with many more on the way in the coming years. Some critics say that “superhero fatigue” has arrived. A survey in 2021 indicated that 23 percent of U.S. adults said that while they like superhero films, they are getting a little tired of them, up 6 percentage points from a 2018 survey. However, the box office is still strong despite the sentiment. Thor: Love and Thunder earne
Incantation, the first found-footage film in Taiwan,is scaring its way onto Netflix’s top-ten list of non-English films.The film has grossed NT$170 million in theaters since March. Shot in mockumentary format and full of culture-specific horror elements, Incantation is successful both financially and critically.The film was released and started streaming on Netflix on July 4.It soon ranked number one on Netflix in several countries. In Japan, some celebrities, such as video game designer Hideo K
Be who you are right now. 要清楚知道內心追求的,是怎樣的生活、怎樣的意義。要活出最自在而真實的自己 。巴斯光年的個人電影近期盛大上映,大家都很期待這位來自­《玩具總動員》的角色,首次領銜主演的電影,會是什麼風格與內容?看看上映數字,台灣在六月中上映首周,票房就突破千萬,全球首週末3天票房為5100萬美元,略遜於預期,但表現依然不俗。看來觀眾還是很喜歡這位經典人物,那怕這次他不再是個玩具。說到巴斯光年,大家想到的一定先是那位在《玩具總動員》的太空騎警。首集故事中,小男孩安弟收到巴斯光年的玩偶作為生日禮物,讓原先最受寵的牛仔警長「胡迪」格外感到威脅,害怕自己不再是安弟的最愛。巴斯光年一開始也無法接受自己是個玩具,不停在安弟的房間進行搜
電影末日之戰中,透過主角傳達一個重要的概念:不斷移動,才有可能生存下來 我們想讓你知道的是 對職場人來說,跨入農曆七月的恐怖感,可能早就被疫情壓力、和工作不穩定的擔憂給取代了。面對「不知道該如何自保、反擊」的不明危險,與其整天擔心災厄降臨,不如起身尋找更多機會,加強自己的競爭力,避免停滯不前、反被淘汰。如此一來,不管是有形還是無形的危機,將都能夠一一平安度過。  一場無預警的疫情,突襲了所有人原本安穩的生活,無薪假、公司倒閉的消息滿天飛,天天憂慮恐慌,不知道自己何時會淪為「倒楣的犧牲者」。賣座電影《末日之戰》 (World War Z)的主角,在活屍(zombie)肆虐的恐怖危機下,努力為人類尋找活路,他能給我們帶來什麼關於