The learning materials of your classes will be available for preview before the session starts so that you can prepare the vocabulary and contents in advance.
If you selected the learning materials yourself, you will be able to preview them right after booking the session. The same applies to Master Classes.
Here are some guidelines depending on the course type:
1-on-1 AI Course: 1 hour before the class starts (if the materials were selected by the AI-Matching system), or immediately (if chosen by the student).
1-on-1, rest of the course types: as a general rule, 4 hours before the class starts.
1-on-4: as a general rule, 1 hour before the class starts.
Master Class: immediately.
1-on-1 AI Course: 1 hour before the class starts (if the materials were selected by the AI-Matching system), or immediately (if chosen by the student).
1-on-1, Oxford: immediately.
1-on-1, Coding: 4 hours before the class starts.
1-on-2: as a general rule, 1 hour before the class starts.
Master Class: immediately.