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課程全面專攻108課綱,助力學子應對考試與口說挑戰在開學週之際,TutorABC 正式宣布推出全新設計的 TutorABC Teens 國高中英文線上學習服務,專為國內國一至高三學生量身打造,全面對應108課綱,幫助學生在國中會考(CAP)、高中學測(GSAT)及全民英檢(GEPT)中脫穎而出,同時強化英語口說能力。即日起至9月底,TutorABC 提供85折購課優惠,讓更多學生體驗這項高效的英語學習服務。因應108課綱,創新模式擺脫填鴨學習108課綱強調素養導向的跨領域學習,要求學生培養批判性思維、社會參與及終身學習能力。隨著課程內容的增加和考試壓力的提升,許多家長擔心孩子無法跟上新課綱的要求。傳統補習班的填鴨式教學雖能短期提升成績,卻忽略了語言的實際應用,讓學生對學習失去興趣。為了解決這些問題,TutorABC 推出了
One of our youngest AP Chinese students achieved a band 4 out of 5 on her latest AP Chinese exam and shared her experience learning with TutorABC Chinese. “I am happy to share my experience with the online 1-on-1 AP Chinese course. As a 14-year-old preparing for AP exam, I initially lacked confidence in my Chinese language skills and was worried that I couldn’t keep up. I knew I needed to improve quickly and be ready for the exam, and this course helped me reached my goal.My teachers were not on
“I believe there is no age limit to study another language. Just keep dedicating yourself to learning and improving your Chinese, TutorABC will definitely help you achieve that goal.”Felipe, a 41-year-old project manager from Brazil, has been in Taiwan for 13 years and has fully embraced the local culture and connected with the community.Felipe came to Taiwan for work when he was 28 years old. “In 2010, I had the opportunity to be relocated to Taiwan, and I accepted. Initially, it was a three-ye
來自巴西的Felipe,是一名專案經理,來台已經13年,超級融入台灣在地文化,整個人充滿台灣魂,很接地氣。靠著TutorABC Chinese的線上課程,讓他即使工作忙碌,也能彈性排課,中文程度大幅提升。熱愛台灣的Felipe,大推在TutorABC Chinese學中文成效顯著。「我是2010年,28歲時接受公司外派的機會來到台灣,也很常出差到中國。當年的工作是3年合約,但因為太喜歡台灣了,所以留在這裡找工作。」沒想到這一待,就是13年,Felipe平時工作上較常用到英語和他的母語:西語及葡語,因此雖然在台灣待了很久,卻是直到近3年才比較認真開始學中文,近半年接觸到TutorABC Chinese課程,更讓他功力大增。來看Felipe分享在TutorABC學中文的高效體驗。老師教學親切 排課時間彈性

Chinese Course

CEFR: Pre A1+
Everyday Chinese
Designed for non-Chinese native speakers, AI matching technology selects appropriate teaching material themes based on your interests and needs, comprehensively cultivating your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to effectively achieve the Chinese proficiency you need.