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今天我們要講的故事是 ” Pepper的藍色起司”。快一起來閱讀吧。Pepper是一個非常可愛的小鳥,他住在一個很大的森林。Pepper, is a very lovely little bird that lives in the big forest. 他喜歡唱歌,也很喜歡一種東西…He loves to sing, but he loves something else too… 是起司!Cheese! Pepper很喜歡在人類野餐過後的公園,尋找留下來的起司。Pepper loved finding cheese in the grass that the humans left after a big picnic in the park. 他常常會到他最喜歡的樹梢上,享用他找到的起司。He always came to his favorite branch on his favorite tree to eat the cheese that he found. 有一天,Pepper找到了一種很特
今天我們要講的故事是 ”沒有比家更棒的地方”。快一起來閱讀吧。Lily and Tom are two very lucky siblings. They have everything they could ever want!Lily和Tom是一對幸運的兄妹,他們擁有所有他們想要的東西。 They live in a nice house in the suburbs, their mother cooks delicious food for them every day and they have cool things like new books, new clothes and even iPads! 他們住在郊區一棟很棒的房子,他們的媽媽很會做飯,他們擁有很多書、漂亮的新衣服,甚至還有iPads。 However, Lily and Tom have to follow a very important rule. “You‘re not allowed outside after dinner! “ Mom said. 然而,Lily和Tom必須遵守一個非常重要的規則
今天我們要講的故事是 ”小男孩的好朋友”。快一起來閱讀吧。 There was a boy named Peter who had a dog called Spotty. 有一個男孩叫Peter,他有一隻狗狗叫Spotty。Spotty was Peter’s best friend.Spotty是Peter最好的朋友。Peter and Spotty did everything together. Peter和Spotty做什麼事都在一起。They slept in the same bed. They showered together. They played games together.他們睡在同一張床上、一起洗澡、一起玩遊戲。Peter enjoyed school but there was a bully named Greg who would always trouble him.Peter很喜歡上學,但是學校有一個叫Greg的霸凌者一直找Peter麻煩。Every day Greg would take Peter’s money and lu
今天我們要講的故事是”紅色的小母雞 ”快一起來閱讀吧。Once there was a little red hen. She lived on a farm with other farm animals.有一隻紅色的小母雞,她跟許多不同的動物住在農場上。 One day, she decided she wanted some bread. She knew she needed to grow some wheat.有一天,紅色小母雞好想吃麵包,他知道他需要小麥來當作原料。 She asked the farm cat for help. He said no.她問了農場上的貓,願不願意幫忙,貓咪說「不!」She asked the farm dog for help. He said no. 她問了農場上的狗,願不願意幫忙,狗說「不!」 She asked the farm horse for help. He said no.她問了農場上的馬,願不願意幫忙,馬說「不!」 So the little red hen went to the f
今天我們要講的故事是 ”熊熊的海邊度假之旅-熊熊莎莉和熊熊薩利”。快一起來閱讀吧。 It’s time for a vacation for Sally Bear and her husband, Sully Bear.該是熊熊莎莉和她的丈夫熊熊薩利放假的時候了。 They begin preparing for their trip. 他們開始準備他們的旅行。 Just like every year, they plan to go to the seaside.就像往年一樣,他們打算去海邊度假。 “We love to swim and play in the waves of the sea!”熊熊薩利說:「我們喜歡在海浪中游泳和玩耍!」 “That’s right!”熊熊莎莉說:「沒錯!」 Sally Bear always gets excited whenever there are things to pack.每當要打包東西時,熊熊莎莉總是很興奮。 “I love packing! It’s so
今天我們要講的故事是 ”超能力姊弟: 火山救援”。快一起來閱讀吧。 Ken and Wendy are looking forward to their summer vacation.肯和溫蒂期待著放暑假。 They plan to visit family and friends and do lots of exciting things.他們計劃要去拜訪家人和朋友,做很多興奮好玩的事。 Ken and Wendy are the Super Sibs. 肯和溫蒂是超能力姊弟。 They use their secret superpowers to help others in danger. 他們用自己的秘密超能力幫助其他處於危險中的人。 Ken and Wendy could not believe that they were finally going to visit an island.肯和溫蒂不敢相信他們終於要去一個小島玩了。 They will get to hike, swim, and see wild anim
今天我們要來讀一篇叫做”樂於助人的鄰居”的故事。跟我一起來讀吧。 Having a helpful neighbor is always a great thing.有一個樂於助人的鄰居總是一件好事。 We aren’t all lucky enough to have a great neighbor, but Joanne the Giraffe was!我們並不是都這麼幸運能有個好鄰居,但長頸鹿喬安妮她有! One day, Joanne the Giraffe felt sick.有一天,長頸鹿喬安妮感覺生病了。 She felt really tired and weak so she told her neighbor, Sarah the Zebra, “My throat is so sore!“ 她感到非常疲倦和虛弱,於是她告訴她的鄰居-斑馬莎拉,“我的喉嚨好痛!” What should I do?我該怎麼辦? Oh, no! That’s not good. Let me take a look.“噢
今天我們要講的故事是”家人自遠方來”。快一起來閱讀吧。There was once a little squirrel who lived in a cave in the forest.從前從前,有一隻小松鼠住在森林的山洞裡。 She had lots of friends and she was very happy.她有很多朋友,而且也過得很開心。 One day she received a letter from her cousin from the city, a rabbit, saying that she was coming to visit! 有一天,她收到了她住在城裡的表親兔子來信,說她要來拜訪! Friends!I need your help! My cousin is coming to visit and I want to make her a lovely dinner!朋友們!我需要你們的幫忙! 我的表親要來拜訪我,而我想要給她做一頓豐盛的晚餐! The animals gathered some nuts, berries and fruit
Happy Forest裡的小夥伴們──皮皮猩Victor,幻想鹿Iris,呆萌象Pandora,懶惰豬Jimmy,貓頭鷹老師Rolin在學校發生什麼趣事呢?Once upon a time, there was a forest called the Happy Forest, where there were lots of huge trees and flowers of many colors. 很久很久以前,有一座名叫Happy Forest的大森林,森林裡面綠樹成蔭、鮮花遍地。In the Happy Forest lived a group of adorable friends who went to school together and played together every day.在Happy Forest裡還生活著一群小夥伴,他們每天一起上學和玩耍。Look! The forest is covered in sunlight! Victor, the always decisive gorilla, was carrying a schoolbag o
因為Dora很勇敢,所以Dora的小乳牙成功進入牙齒的銀河囉 Dora, the chubby baby panda wasn’t very happy. Dora,是隻圓圓的小熊貓,她最近不太開心。 Because her Milk Tooth was falling out and she did not want to lose it. 因為她的乳牙快要掉了,但是她不想失去她的牙齒。One night, Dora heard a strange sound coming from her month, you see, her tooth was crying!一天晚上,Dora聽到口中傳出奇怪的聲音──她的牙齒竟然在哭泣!“There is a problem,” Her tooth said sadly, “When the child doesn’t pull out a tooth in time, the new tooth grows and pushes the Milk Tooth away; and soon the child is taken to a do
Dora 捨不得將她的乳牙拔掉,有一天她竟然發現牙齒在哭 ……Dora, the chubby baby panda wasn’t very happy. Dora是個圓圓的小熊貓,她最近不太開心。 Because her Milk Tooth is falling out, but she did not want to lose it. 因為她的乳牙快要掉了,但是她不想失去她的牙齒。 One night, Dore heard a strange sound coming from her mouth. Dora ran to look in the mirror. Her wiggly tooth was crying!一天晚上,Dora聽到口中傳出奇怪的聲音。Dora 跑向镜子,發現她的牙齒竟然在哭泣!Dora was so shocked she nearly forgot to breathe for a few seconds.Dora驚訝得忘記呼吸。 “Can you tell me why you are crying?” Dora asked. 「可以告訴我,你為什
莎拉想要嘗試下廚,小廚師蓋瑞特會怎麼幫助她呢?……Sara loves doing things she’s never done before.莎拉喜歡做一些她之前從未做過的事情。And this time, she decided to give cooking a try!這一次,她決定嘗試烹飪!Sara likes her mom’s cooking, so she’s always wondered what it’s like to make something delicious.莎拉很喜歡她媽媽做的菜,所以她總是幻想自己也能做出美味的食物。Garret thinks he can help Sara cook.蓋瑞特認為他可以幫助莎拉做飯。So he jumped onto Sara’s shoulder and whispered in her ear: 蓋瑞特跳上莎拉的肩膀,在她耳邊說悄悄話:“I can help you. I’m good with ingredients.”「我可以幫助妳。我很擅長處理食物!」
瑪莉提議要搭帳篷度過他們的下午茶時光,這是不是個好主意呢…… Mary and George were playing in the garden when Mary suddenly stopped and said, “I’ve just had an idea.”瑪莉和喬治在花園裡玩耍時,瑪莉突然停了下來,說:「我有個點子。」 “What’s that?” George asked. 「嗯?是什麼?」喬治問。 “Why don’t we ask mummy if she could put up the tent for us,” Mary said. “We could stay in it until tea time.”「為什麼我們不問問媽咪,看她可不可以幫我們搭帳篷。」瑪莉說。「我們可以在那裡度過下午茶時間。」“But what about our lunch?” George asked.「但我們的午餐怎麼辦?」喬治問。“We could have a picnic in the tent,” Mary replied.「我們可以
從前,有一隻貪心的老虎,他遇見一個手裡拿著肉的小男孩,於是打算把男孩跟肉都吃了……Once there was a tiger. He was really hungry. He saw a boy. The boy had some meat in his hand. He decided he wanted to eat both the boy and his meat. He would trick the boy.從前,有一隻老虎。他很餓。他看到一個小男孩。小男孩手裡拿了一些肉。老虎打算把小男孩和他手裡的肉都吃了。所以他決定欺騙這個小男孩。 The tiger said, “Oh! Little Boy! Could you please give me some meat?”老虎說:「小男孩!你能给我一些你手裡的肉嗎?」 The boy said, “Oh no, you will eat me.”小男孩說:「噢!才不要,你會吃了我的。」 The tiger said,
在寒冷的冬天裡,有一顆蛋在籃子裡安靜的躺著,有一天他突然張開眼睛,他看到爐火開始燃燒,驚慌失措的蛋想要逃跑…..In the cold December, an egg was lying quietly in the kitchen basket.在寒冷的12月,有一顆蛋在廚房的籃子裡安靜地躺著。Suddenly, the egg felt the air become warm.突然,這顆蛋感到身邊的空氣變暖了。Opening its eyes, it saw that the stove was lit —- “Ah, I’m about to be cooked!”它睜開了眼睛,發現爐火被點燃了 — “啊,我要被煮熟吃掉了!”The egg fell into panic, and tried to run away.蛋開始害怕,試著要逃跑。But its struggle ended up in vain—without feet, all it could do was a reluctant roll in the ba