Happy Forest裡的小夥伴們──皮皮猩Victor,幻想鹿Iris,呆萌象Pandora,懶惰豬Jimmy,貓頭鷹老師Rolin在學校發生什麼趣事呢?
Once upon a time, there was a forest called the Happy Forest, where there were lots of huge trees and flowers of many colors.
很久很久以前,有一座名叫Happy Forest的大森林,森林裡面綠樹成蔭、鮮花遍地。
In the Happy Forest lived a group of adorable friends who went to school together and played together every day.
在Happy Forest裡還生活著一群小夥伴,他們每天一起上學和玩耍。
Look! The forest is covered in sunlight! Victor, the always decisive gorilla, was carrying a schoolbag on his back and was ready to go to school.
He was calling to his neighbor, Iris the deer, to go to school with him. “Hurry up, Iris, you are going to be late!”
Iris was a deer from the grasslands of East Africa. It didn’t take her long to get along with her friends here because of her wisdom and creativity, even though she was a transfer student.
Iris picked up her bag and went out with Victor.
Victor and Iris bumped into Pandora the elephant as soon as they turned the corner.
Victor 和 Iris剛拐過一個彎,就遇見了呆萌象Pandora。
Pandora was Victor’s younger sister. She looked dull but had a warm heart.
Naughty Victor went up, pulled Pandora’s ear and ran away quickly as she was wandering forward slowly with her long nose swinging.
Pandora was taken by surprise and then, in a drawn out manner, said, “Victor, you are so naughty!”
The happy friends played and ran toward the school.
Jimmy, the lazy pig was still sleeping when they passed by his house. Eating and sleeping were the most important missions in his life.
路過懶惰豬Jimmy 家的時候,發現他還在呼呼大睡,他人生中最重要的事情就是吃飯和睡覺了。
Victor shouted, “Jimmy, wake up, you are going to be late!” It seemed that Jimmy didn’t hear him at all and kept snoring.
Victor 大喊:「Jimmy 快起床,要遲到啦!」Jimmy完全沒有聽見,還發出很大的打呼聲。
Victor shook his head, picked up Jimmy and moved on to school.
Victor搖了搖頭,背起Jimmy 就往學校走去。
Teacher Rolin, the owl had been waiting beside the platform when the students arrived.
She was a scholar with rich knowledge and often solved problems for other animals.
The new semester started as the bell rang. It was the first day of the new semester.
All the adorable friends, including the energetic Victor, smart Iris, slow Pandora and Jimmy with “post-holiday syndrome”, were ready for new knowledge.
無論是精力充沛的 Victor、聰明的Iris,還是慢吞吞的 Pandora,和患上「假期症候群」的 Jimmy,都準備好要學習新東西了!
The first school day ended quickly. Do you want to know what happened on their way home? The story will be released next week.
Good night and sweet dreams.
親子共讀英文說故事,正是把豐富多彩的英文帶到家,透過適當的繪本、故事書,孩子可以接觸到大量的、豐富的、可以傳遞資訊的英文。全球擁有超過 30,000 名雙認證外師的 tutorJr,以輕鬆快樂的方式,增進口說對話能力,上課時間可彈性安排,節省家長的寶貴時間,每天只要 25 分鐘,沉浸在母語式的環境當中,自然而然提升學習興趣與孩子信心。