BTS單飛不解散!BTS to take a break to pursue solo careers

BTS, the Korean boy band, announced recently that the members will take a break from their current arrangement in order to pursue solo projects and explore their individual music careers. The entertainment company associated with the group said BTS will “remain active in various different formats.”

The members believed that K-Pop and the entire idol concept did not allow them to mature and that some time to focus on their solo careers would strengthen their future collaborations.

The group’s worldwide recognition grew in 2018. They have been nominated for two Grammy Awards for best pop/duo performance.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

韓國男團「防彈少年團BTS」最近宣布,成員們將暫停目前的團體編制中,轉而進行個人的演藝事業,並探索他們的個人音樂生涯。負責BTS的娛樂公司表示,BTS 將「以各種不同的形式繼續活躍於演藝圈」。



輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:


男孩團體,英文是boy band 或是 boy group,通常指的是年輕男子組成的團體。相對的,女團就是girl band或是girl group


  • They’ve decided to disband the club. 他們決定要解散這個社團
  • The members of the organization have decided to disband. 該組織的成員決定要解散了。

單飛,可以說go solo,solo就是個人、單獨的意思,所以有solo album個人專輯、solo performance 個人表演、solo career 個人事業等。


  • announce (v.) 宣布
  • format (n.) 形式
  • idol (n.) 偶像
  • mature (v.) 成熟
  • strengthen (v.) 強化
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