


「春節」的英語有the Spring Festival; Chinese New Year; Spring Festival,三種說法。


◾ 離春節只有一周了。
The Spring Festival is only a week away.

◾ 春節快到了
The Spring Festival is drawing near.

◾ 春節即農曆新年
The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year.

◾ 春節前商店裡十分繁忙
The shops are very busy before the Spring Festival.

◾ 春節即將來臨
The Spring Festival is just around the corner.

◾ 春節到了,全家歡聚團圓。
The whole family got together happily for the Spring Festival.

◾ 春節期間城裡到處張燈結綵。
Decorations are hanging up everywhere in the city on the Spring Festival.

◾ 春節和新年都是年度假期。
The Spring Festival and New Year are annual holidays.

◾ 今年的春節,我辦了一個party。
This Chinese New Year I held a party.

◾ 歡迎和我的家人共度春節!
Welcome to have the Chinese New Year with my family!


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