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圖源:奧斯卡粉絲專頁領取逐字稿及學習單下載app聽更多討論2025年3月2日,第97屆奧斯卡金像獎於洛杉磯杜比劇院舉行,由知名主持人柯南·歐布萊恩(Conan O’Brien)主持。今年的奧斯卡不僅迎來多個歷史性時刻,還首次由Hulu同步直播,標誌著奧斯卡正式進入串流時代。On March 2, 2025, the 97th Academy Awards took place at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, hosted by the renowned Conan O’Brien. This year’s Oscars not only featured historic moments but also marked a major shift with Hulu live-streaming the event for the first time, signaling the Academy’s adaptation to the streaming era.
圖:GETTY IMAGES / NATHAN HOWARD領取逐字稿及學習單下載app聽更多討論2025年2月28日,美國總統唐納·川普與烏克蘭總統弗拉基米爾·澤倫斯基在白宮橢圓形辦公室進行了會晤,討論了烏克蘭與俄羅斯之間的和平協議前景及美烏合作的新框架,特別是在稀土資源領域的合作。此次會議突顯了兩國領導人在戰爭、外交以及經濟合作方面的複雜互動。On February 28, 2025, U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met in the Oval Office to discuss the potential for a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia and a new framework for U.S.-Ukraine cooperation, particularly in the area of rar
圖源 報導者攝影 余志偉領取逐字稿及學習單下載app聽更多討論1. 現況分析 Current Status Analysis據衛福部2024年統計,台灣醫療體系面臨約12,000名護理人員缺口,較2023年增加15%。急診科缺額率高達23%,內科19%,加護病房21%。According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s 2024 statistics, Taiwan’s healthcare system faces a shortage of approximately 12,000 nursing staff, a 15% increase from 2023. Vacancy rates are 23% in emergency departments, 19% in internal medicine, and 21% in intensive care units.2024年調查顯示,58%的護理人員曾考慮離職。實際離職者中,47%完全轉行,35%轉往診所或私人醫療機構。離職主因為工時過長(76%)和薪
領取逐字稿及學習單下載app聽更多討論一、旅行生病的常見情況Common Health Issues While Traveling旅行中,環境變化、時差、飲食習慣的不同可能導致免疫力下降,增加生病的風險。特別是在流感季節或疫情期間,以下是常見的健康問題:Changes in environment, time zone differences, and diet may weaken immunity, increasing the risk of illness while traveling. Below are common health issues, especially during flu season or a pandemic:1. 流感(Influenza) / Flu流感病毒傳播迅速,特別是在冬季和春季旅遊時,感染風險較高。Flu spreads rapidly, especially during winter and spring travel.症狀 Symptoms: 高燒、肌肉痠痛、疲倦、咳嗽、喉嚨痛(Hi
Photo by Christopher Polk/Billboard via Getty Images2025 年第 67 屆葛萊美獎於 2 月 2 日在洛杉磯 體育館盛大舉行,由知名主持人 Trevor Noah 主持。本屆頒獎典禮吸引了全球樂迷的關注,並呈現出音樂產業多元化的發展趨勢。以下是本屆葛萊美獎的完整解析,涵蓋 得獎名單、專輯與單曲亮點、獲獎歌手介紹、音樂類型的發展趨勢,以及葛萊美獎對全球音樂市場的影響。The 67th Grammy Awards took place on February 2, 2025, at the Arena in Los Angeles, hosted by renowned presenter Trevor Noah. This year’s ceremony attracted global music fans and showcased the industry’s diverse trends. Below
美國總統川普近期揚言對台積電等台灣半導體企業加徵關稅,這一政策可能對全球半導體供應鏈造成重大影響。台積電作為全球晶圓代工龍頭,其產品被廣泛應用於AI運算、智慧型手機、雲端運算等領域。若美國落實關稅政策,不僅台灣科技業將受到波及,美國本土的科技企業與全球供應鏈也將受到影響。U.S. President Donald Trump has recently threatened to impose additional tariffs on Taiwan’s semiconductor companies, including TSMC. This policy could have a significant impact on the global semiconductor supply chain. As the world’s leading foundry, TSMC’s products are widely used in AI computing, smartphones, and cl
療癒經濟的崛起 | The Rise of the Healing Economy疫情後心理健康與情感需求的提升 | Increased Need for Mental Health and Emotional Connection Post-Pandemic疫情帶來的不確定性與孤立感,使人們更加重視心理健康與情感慰藉。The uncertainty and isolation brought by the pandemic have heightened the importance of mental health and emotional comfort.軟毛玩偶不僅僅是玩具,更成為舒緩壓力的心靈慰藉品。Plush toys have become more than just playthings; they are now tools for stress relief and emotional solace.為什麼軟毛玩偶成為心靈慰藉? | Why Plush Toys Have Become Emotional Comforts柔軟的觸感能模擬溫暖與安全感,帶來治癒效
收購背景與動機輝達(NVIDIA),作為全球領先的人工智能(AI)和圖形處理單元(GPU)技術開發者,近期宣布收購以色列創新AI基礎設施管理公司 Run:ai。這次收購顯示了輝達在推動 AI 生態系統的深入發展和強化其基礎設施解決方案的決心。Run:ai 以其卓越的 AI 計算資源管理平台聞名,專注於通過虛擬化和資源調度技術來提高 AI 工作負載的運行效率。Background and Motivation of the AcquisitionNVIDIA, a global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and graphics processing unit (GPU) technology, recently announced the acquisition of Run:ai, an innovative AI infrastructure management company based in Isra
(AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)事件始末與真相The Events and the Truth南韓總統下台的核心原因Core Reasons for the Resignation of the South Korean President腐敗:尹錫悅被指控濫用權力,包括濫用權力和腐敗的指控。Corruption: Yoon Suk-yeol has been accused of abusing power, including allegations of power misuse and corruption.政策失敗:在其總統任期內,經濟增長放緩,物價上漲,住房政策無效,且未能解決人民的生計問題。Policy Failures: During his presidency, economic growth slowed, prices rose, housing policies were ineffective, and he failed to address people’s livelihood issues.社會壓力:公眾的不滿,特別是年輕人對就業和住房問
事故真相大解密Unraveling the Truth Behind the Accident韓國濟州航空7C2216航班在2024年12月29日於務安機場發生空難,造成179人死亡,僅2名機組人員生還。初步調查顯示,事故可能與鳥擊有關。On December 29, 2024, Jeju Air Flight 7C2216 crashed at Ulsan Airport in South Korea, resulting in 179 fatalities, with only two crew members surviving. Preliminary investigations suggest that the crash may have been caused by a bird strike.飛行前,務安機場塔台已發出鳥擊警告,而飛機在降落時發出多次「MAYDAY」求救信號,並試圖重飛,最終未能成功。Before the flight, Ulsan Airport’s control tower issued a bird strike warning. During
簡述輝達的全球地位以及如果選擇台灣南港設立海外總部的影響Introduction to NVIDIA’s Global Position and the Impact of Choosing Nangang for Its Overseas Headquarters輝達(NVIDIA)作為全球領先的科技公司,專注於圖形處理單元(GPU)及人工智慧(AI)技術,無論在遊戲、數據中心還是自駕車領域,都擁有深遠的影響力。輝達的技術創新不僅改變了這些行業,也推動了全球科技發展。若輝達選擇將其海外總部設於台灣南港,這將是對台灣科技領域的重大推動,也可能帶來一系列深遠的經濟與產業變化。NVIDIA, as a global leader in technology, specializes in graphics processing units (GPUs) and artificial intelligence (AI
聖誕節除了交換禮物和聽聖誕歌,還有一些讓人瞠目結舌的節日料理!每天的【Everyday English】要帶大家認識三種奇怪但有趣的聖誕美食,還有一個超值福利要告訴你——【會員優享免費課】,每天一堂無限學,讓你的英語表達力快速提升!奇怪的聖誕食物 1:蝦子聖誕樹 (Shrimp Christmas Tree)相信嗎?有些人會用蝦子來製作聖誕樹!這是一道結合創意與技巧的料理。料理介紹不論你相信與否,許多人都會做蝦子聖誕樹。有些人會加入綠色蔬菜來點綴,讓聖誕樹看起來更加美麗。據說這道菜是於 20 世紀 50 年代所創。要讓這棵樹穩穩地站立在盤子上,可是一項既耗時又需要技巧的挑戰。你有信心試試看嗎?英文單字學習單字詞性中文解釋英文例句中文例句shrimpn.蝦子I bought f
星巴克工會罷工背景Starbucks Union Strike Background星巴克工會罷工由「Starbucks Workers United」(星巴克工人聯合會)發起,該工會爭取員工更好的待遇、更高的工資、改進的福利條件,並要求增加員工參與公司決策的權利,並處理不公平待遇。這場罷工發生在2024年耶誕季前夕,涉及全美數百家星巴克門市。主要訴求包括:提高工資、改善福利、增加工人參與決策的權利,以及解決不公平對待問題。The Starbucks union strike is initiated by Starbucks Workers United, which advocates for better working conditions, higher wages, and improved benefits for employees. The strike began in late 2024, just before the Chris
在全球消費市場中,「黑色星期五」與「雙十二」已成為不可忽視的購物狂歡節日。它們既反映了不同文化的購物習慣,又揭示了商家如何運用心理學影響消費行為。本文將探討這些節日的由來,剖析行銷策略的核心原理,並比較東西方購物文化的異同與其對全球經濟的影響。In the global consumer market, Black Friday and Double 12 have become unmissable shopping festivals. They reflect distinct cultural shopping habits and reveal how businesses utilize psychology to influence consumer behavior. This article explores their origins, analyzes key marketing strategies, and compares Eastern and Western shopping cultures
K-pop二代團的巔峰The Peak of K-pop Second-Generation Groups1. 探討BigBang在K-pop歷史中的定位,如何成為全球化的象徵BigBang’s Position in K-pop History and Its Role as a Global IconBigBang在K-pop歷史中佔據著不可動搖的地位。他們不僅是第二代K-pop偶像團體的代表,更是K-pop走向全球化的先驅之一。從2006年出道開始,BigBang逐漸打破傳統偶像模式,透過音樂風格的多樣性、個人魅力與高度藝術性,成為國際市場的焦點。BigBang is firmly positioned as a cornerstone in K-pop history. They are not only emblematic of the second-generation K-pop idol groups but also pioneers in bringing K-pop to