Many young girls in New Zealand skip school during their period because they are unable to afford pads and tampons. In some deprived areas, they even have to manage their period with newspapers, old clothes, and toilet papers. The government recently announced that it would offer free sanitary products to all schoolgirls to end period poverty.
“Menstruation is a fact of life for half the population and access to these products is a necessity, not a luxury,” said Julie Anne Genter, New Zealand Minister for Women.
Having difficulty accessing sanitary supplies brings these girls feelings of shame and a gendered financial burden. This new scheme supports them to continue learning at school. The program will be tested in 15 schools throughout the Waikato region from term three this year and expanded nationwide on an opt-in basis by 2021.
友善讓你懂 │ 解說:
輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:
1. period n. 月經、生理期
2. menstruate v./ menstruation n. 月經來潮
3. sanitary a. 女性生理期使用的;衛生的、清潔的
4. pad n. 衛生棉
5. tampon n. 棉條
6. hygienic a. (預防疾病相關)衛生的
7. cramps n. 經痛
The policy will provide sufficient sanitary supplies to help young girls manage their period hygienically at school.
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