



Alex: Okay, let’s jump right in. Uh, today we’re going to do a deep dive.
Alex: 好的,我們直接進入主題吧。今天我們要進行一次深入探討。

Jamie: Okay.
Jamie: 好的。

Alex: On AI and specifically, you know, everybody’s talking about AI right now.
Alex: 關於人工智慧(AI),具體來說,現在每個人都在談論AI。

Jamie: Oh, yeah.
Jamie: 是的。

Alex: But we’re we’re going a little deeper today and we’ve got some really fascinating information.
Alex: 不過今天我們會更深入一些,我們還有一些非常有趣的資訊。

Jamie: Yeah.
Jamie: 聽起來很棒。

Alex: From Japan. Uh, it’s a series of articles and the the title translated is, uh, “Selected Articles,” right?
Alex: 資訊來自日本,是一系列文章,翻譯過來的標題是《精選文章》。

Jamie: Very cool.
Jamie: 哇,真有趣。

Alex: And, uh, it’s from December 2nd, 2024.
Alex: 而且,這是2024年12月2日發佈的內容。

Jamie: Okay.
Jamie: 太棒了。

Alex: So, very very recent.
Alex: 非常新鮮的資訊。

Jamie: Very cool.
Jamie: 聽起來不錯。

Alex: And um so yeah, it’s uh……

Jamie: I’m excited.


Alex:It should be pretty interesting. And the articles are sort of broken down into this idea of breakthroughs and challenges.

Jamie: Okay.
Jamie: 嗯。

Alex: So, I thought maybe we could start there.
Alex: 那麼,我想我們可以從這裡開始討論。

Jamie: Yeah.
Jamie: 好的。

Alex: Um, why don’t you tell us a little bit about uh like why why Japan? Why are we focusing on Japan?
Alex: 你能不能說說為什麼是日本?為什麼我們要關注日本?

Jamie: Well, Japan has always been kind of a leader in technology.
Jamie: 日本一直在技術領域處於領先地位。

Alex: Okay.
Alex: 沒錯。

Jamie: Um, you know, if you think back to the ’90s, remember the Ibo robot dog?
Jamie: 回想一下90年代,你還記得索尼的Ibo機器狗嗎?

Alex: Oh, yeah.
Alex: 哦,當然記得。

Jamie: I mean, that was from Sony.
Jamie: 那是索尼的產品。

Alex: Yeah, exactly. That was way ahead of its time.
Alex: 是啊,那真的是超越時代的創新。

Jamie: And so I think with AI, they’re also really kind of pushing the boundaries and they’re using it in some really interesting ways, like elder care robots for an aging population.
Jamie: 所以我覺得在AI領域,他們也在不斷突破界限,比如針對老齡化社會的老年護理機器人。

Alex: Wow.
Alex: 哇。

Jamie: And even in their public transportation systems to make them super efficient.
Jamie: 還有在公共交通系統中提升效率的應用。

Alex: Okay. So they’re really kind of tackling these world problems.
Alex: 看來他們確實在解決這些全球性問題。

Jamie: Yeah. Real world problems.
Jamie: 是的,這些都是非常實際的問題。

Alex: That’s interesting. The uh the date of these articles is December 2nd, right?
Alex: 很有趣。這些文章的日期是12月2日,對嗎?

Jamie: 2024. So, you know it seems like we’re we’re sort of in this moment right now where it feels like AI is exploding.
Jamie: 是的,2024年12月2日。現在看起來AI的發展正處於爆發階段。

Alex: It really does.
Alex: 確實如此。

Jamie: It feels like it’s accelerating so rapidly.
Jamie: 感覺它的發展速度非常快。

Alex: Yeah. And do you think these Japanese articles are kind of like a snapshot of what’s happening?
Alex: 是啊。你覺得這些日本的文章是否反映了當前的現狀?

Jamie: I think so. They offer a really unique perspective on it.
Jamie: 我認為是的。它們提供了一個非常獨特的視角。

Alex: So one of the articles that I found particularly interesting was talking about this idea of emotional AI. And I, you know, I don’t even really know what that is.
Alex: 有一篇文章我覺得特別有意思,它提到了情感AI這個概念。我其實不太了解那是什麼意思。

Jamie: Well, it’s a really interesting area of research.
Jamie: 那是一個非常有趣的研究領域。

Alex: Okay.
Alex: 好。

Jamie: Basically, it’s about developing AI systems that can understand and respond to human emotions.
Jamie: 基本上,這是指開發能理解並回應人類情感的AI系統。

Alex: So like a computer that can sense how you’re feeling?
Alex: 就像一台能感知你情緒的電腦?

Jamie: Yeah. Like imagine a virtual assistant that can tell if you’re getting frustrated and adjust how it talks to you.
Jamie: 是的。比如說,一個虛擬助手能感知你是否感到沮喪,然後調整它的對話方式。

Alex: Wow. Or even robots that can provide companionship and emotional support?
Alex: 哇,甚至是能提供陪伴和情感支持的機器人?

Jamie: Yeah.
Jamie: 是的。

Alex: That’s kind of wild.
Alex: 這真是令人驚嘆。

Jamie: It is pretty mind-blowing.
Jamie: 是啊,真的很讓人震撼。

Alex: Like are we are we in a Black Mirror episode?
Alex: 我們是不是在《黑鏡》劇集中?

Jamie: I know, right? It makes you think about the ethics of it all.
Jamie: 我知道吧?這真的讓人開始思考其中的倫理問題。

Alex: Yeah, for sure.
Alex: 是的,確實如此。

Jamie: But it also has the potential for some really incredible benefits.
Jamie: 但它也有可能帶來一些非常了不起的好處。

Alex: Okay. Like what?
Alex: 比如什麼?

Jamie: Like personalized health care that’s tailored to your emotional needs.
Jamie: 比如說,根據你的情感需求量身定制的個性化健康護理。

Alex: Wow.
Alex: 哇。

Jamie: Or education programs that adapt to how a student is feeling.
Jamie: 或者根據學生情緒調整的教育項目。

Alex: That’s fascinating.
Alex: 太有趣了。

Jamie: Yeah. It’s really pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible.
Jamie: 是的,它確實在突破我們認為可能的界限。

Alex: Okay. So, if someone’s listening to this and they really don’t know anything about AI, what would you say is the the main takeaway from all of this?
Alex: 那麼,對於對AI一無所知的人來說,你會說這些內容的核心要點是什麼?

Jamie: I think the biggest takeaway is that AI development is a global conversation, and what’s happening in Japan with their unique culture and technological expertise really gives us a broader perspective on the future of AI as a whole.
Jamie: 我認為最大的要點是AI的發展是一個全球性議題,而日本以其獨特的文化和技術專業,讓我們能從更廣的視角看待AI的未來。

Alex: Okay.
Alex: 好的。

Jamie: Yeah.
Jamie: 是的。

Alex: All right. So, I always like to leave our listeners with something to think about.
Alex: 好的,我總喜歡給聽眾留下一些思考的空間。

Jamie: Okay.
Jamie: 好啊。

Alex: So, what do you think? What should they be thinking about after listening to this?
Alex: 那麼,你覺得大家聽完之後應該思考什麼?

Jamie: Well, I think they should think about this: if these trends in Japan are any indication, the next year is going to be absolutely crucial for AI. It’s not just about the technology itself, but how we as a society decide to use it and integrate it into our lives.
Jamie: 我覺得大家應該思考的是:如果這些在日本的趨勢可以作為指標,那麼接下來的一年對AI將至關重要。這不僅僅是關於技術本身,而是關於我們作為一個社會,如何選擇使用並將它融入生活。

Alex: So, it’s kind of up to us in a way.
Alex: 所以,某種程度上,這是我們的責任。

Jamie: It is. It’s exciting and a little bit daunting at the same time.
Jamie: 是的,這令人興奮,也讓人有些害怕。

Alex: That’s a good word for it.
Alex: 這是個恰當的描述。

Jamie: Yeah.
Jamie: 是的。

Alex: Daunting.
Alex: 讓人卻步。

Jamie: Yeah.
Jamie: 沒錯。

Alex: All right. Well, this has been really fascinating.
Alex: 好吧,這真是一次很有趣的討論。

Jamie: Yeah, this was fun.
Jamie: 是的,非常有趣。

Alex: Yeah. Thanks for joining me on this uh deep dive.
Alex: 是啊,謝謝你參與這次深入討論。

Jamie: Of course. Thanks for having me.
Jamie: 當然,謝謝你的邀請。

Alex: And uh we’ll see everybody next time.
Alex: 那麼,下次見!

Jamie: See you later.
Jamie: 下次見!


Fascinating形容詞 (Adjective)迷人的This is a fascinating topic.這是一個迷人的話題。
Recent形容詞 (Adjective)最近的This is very recent information.這是非常新的資訊。
Series名詞 (Noun)系列This is a series of articles.這是一系列文章。
Breakthrough名詞 (Noun)突破The team achieved a breakthrough.團隊實現了一次突破。
Challenge名詞 (Noun)挑戰This project has many challenges.這個專案有許多挑戰。
Leader名詞 (Noun)領導者Japan is a leader in technology.日本是科技領域的領導者。
Boundary名詞 (Noun)界限They are pushing the boundaries of AI.他們正在突破AI的界限。
Efficient形容詞 (Adjective)高效的Public transportation systems are efficient.公共交通系統運行效率很高。
Accelerating動名詞 (Gerund)加速的AI development is accelerating rapidly.人工智慧的發展正在快速加速。
Perspective名詞 (Noun)視角、觀點This article offers a unique perspective.這篇文章提供了一個獨特的視角。
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