American actor Will Smith slapped presenter Chris Rock for joking about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, at the 94th Academy Awards. Rock took the stage to present the award for best documentary and cracked a joke about Pinkett-Smith’s baldness. Smith then rushed the stage and slapped Rock in the face. The move shocked the audience.
Later in the evening, Smith won best actor for his role as Richard Williams in King Richard.
The next day, Will Smith issued an apology to Chris Rock, the Academy, and viewers, saying he was “out of line” and that his actions were “not indicative of the man I want to be.”
在第 94 屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,美國演員威爾史密斯搧了頒獎人克里斯洛克一巴掌,因為克里斯洛克在頒發最佳紀錄片獎時,開了一個關於威爾史密斯妻子平克特-史密斯掉髮問題的笑話。 威爾史密斯立刻衝上舞台,搧了洛克一記耳光。這一舉動也震驚了在場觀眾。
「講笑話」,除了可以很簡單的說「tell a joke」外,也可以用crack,敲開、使裂開
例句:He’s always cracking jokes. 他總愛說笑話。
例句:He made some wisecrack about my lack of culinary ability.
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