Os resultados da pesquisa para a tag 'Culture': 3 itens encontrados.
Discover “The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon,” a Netflix hit that’s more than just a film—it’s your portal to the rich world of Chinese culture. Join the millions captivated by this Asian cinematic gem!(Source: ETtoday)Have you ever heard of “周处除三害”(The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon) a movie available on Netflix? This film has garnered an impressive $80 million in the Chinese mainland. Today, I’m thrilled to share with you this cinematic masterpiece that has enthralled audiences throughout Asia
These greetings from one to ten, are not just mere phrases but encapsulate deep, symbolic meanings and wishes for prosperity, health, and happiness.2024 is theYear of the Dragon, as the Lunar New Year unfolds, a kaleidoscope of greetings and well-wishes enliven conversations, painting a vivid picture of Chinese cultural richness and depth. These greetings, often incorporating numbers from one to ten, are not just mere phrases but encapsulate deep, symbolic meanings and wishes for prosperity, hea
In Chinese culture, gifting is an art form, reflecting respect, gratitude, and social ties. However, knowing what gifts to avoid can be a delicate task.In Chinese culture, gifting is an art form, reflecting respect, gratitude, and social ties. However, navigating the intricate web of what to give – and what not to give – can be a delicate task. Understanding these taboos is crucial for anyone looking to foster personal or business relationships in China. This blog post delves into the key giftin
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英文多重要?看市面上各式各樣的英檢考試就知道。英檢是衡量英文能力的具體指標,是學校畢業門檻,也是上班族求職晉升的加分條件,想出國當交換學生或留遊學,更是必備成績。在台灣,多益TOEIC、全民英檢GEPT、托福TOEFL和雅思IELTS堪稱英檢考試的「四大天王」。本文詳細整理台灣主流四大英檢,首先透過簡單表格來比較。考試費用?證書效期?台灣英檢四大天王比較表 多益 TOEIC 托福 TOEFL 雅思IELTS全民英檢GEPT檢定用途求學升職畢業門檻留遊學-美加為主,多為學術用途留遊學-英紐澳為主 移民台灣升學畢業 求職檢定內容商用職場英語為主學術專業詞彙多,字彙較冷門艱澀以能在英語系國家生活為指標,生活應用題多會有較多台灣時事和本土化題目。考試項目閱讀聽力可加考口說及寫作聽說讀寫聽說讀寫
台灣風行的英檢考試不少,很多人想問,究竟考「全民英檢」CP值高嗎?還是報考知名度比較高的「多益」呢?透過文章解析及專家觀點,讓有興趣和需求的讀者自我檢視,判斷「全民英檢」到底值不值得考。什麼是全民英檢GEPT全民英檢全名為「全民英語能力分級檢定測驗」,簡稱 GEPT®,由教育部委託「財團法人語言訓練測驗中心」開發。測驗對象:主要針對國中以上學生及社會人士測評。小學生可參考 GEPT Kids 小學英檢。測驗目的:評量英語能力(general English proficiency),參考台灣英語教育體制,制定分級標準。包含聽、說、讀、寫四項,內容符合國內之英語教學目標及生活情境。測驗分級 初級(Elementary)、中級(Intermediate)、中高級(High-I
很久很久以前,有三隻小豬離開父母,獨自過他們的第一個冬天…..Once upon a time there were three little pigs. When they grew up, they left their parents to live their first winter by themselves.很久很久以前,有三隻小豬。他們長大後離開父母,獨自過他們的第一個冬天。Autumn came and it began raining. The three little pigs started to feel they needed a real house to live in. They talked about how to build a house and prepare for the coming winter, but each decided for himself. The laziest little pig said he’d build a straw hut. “It will only take a day to get it don
您家也有小學生嗎?因應現在孩子們學習英文的年齡越來越早,各式各樣兒童英檢也應運而生。相信許多家長會有疑問:兒童英檢有那些?真的有必要考?為了解答家長疑惑,提供爸媽對孩子英語教育正確觀念,今天就帶大家來了解有那些專門設計給兒童參加的英文檢定考!目前坊間較常見也比較有公信力的小學英檢共有四種,分別是小學英檢(GEPT Kids)、TOEFL Primary、劍橋兒童英語認證(YLE)以及STYLE / JET全國兒童暨青少年英語分級檢定。以下透過表格帶大家進一步認識。小學英檢 (GEPT Kids) TOEFL Primary劍橋兒童英語認證 (YLE) STYLE / JET全國兒童暨青少年英語分級檢定 測驗年齡7-12歲8-16歲7-12歲6-16歲主辦單位財團法人語言訓練中心LTTCTOEFL托福中心英國劍橋大學語言測評考試院英國試