藝術國寶「甘露水」入藏台中國美館Water of Immortality inducted into Museum of Fine Arts

Water of Immortality, an iconic nude sculpture created by late Taiwanese artist Huang Tu-shui during the era of Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan, was inducted into the permanent collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.

The statue was lost for more than half a century before its rediscovery in 2021. Its induction has also driven the museum to begun research into Huang and his works, while documenting the works of other seminal local artists.

The statue will be displayed to the right of the museum’s entrance, while The Water Buffalo, another sculpture by Huang, is displayed at the other end of the exhibition hall.







  • Six new members have been inducted into the cabinet. 6 名新成員已經正式加入內閣。

Induct 也有「引導、帶領」之意,例如:

  • The purpose of the orientation is to induct the new students into the university. 新生訓練的目的就是要引導新的學生進入大學。


  • immortality (n.) 不朽
  • iconic (adj.) 代表性的、標誌性的
  • rediscovery (n.) 重新發現
  • seminal (adj.) 開創性的、重大的
  • buffalo (n.) 水牛