「TOCFL」標籤搜尋結果:共 2 筆
TutorABC, the world’s leading platform for learning English and Chinese online, proudly announced that its TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) exam preparation materials has been officially certified by the TOCFL organization, under the Ministry of Education of R.O.C.TutorABC, the world’s leading platform for learning English and Chinese online, proudly announced that its TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) exam preparation materials has been officially certified by the TOCFL
全球領先的線上英語和中文學習平台TutorABC,宣布旗下TutorABC Chinese所設計的華語文能力測驗(Test of Chineseas a Foreign Language,TOCFL)備考教材,已正式通過由教育部專案補助的「國家華語測驗推動工作委員會(SC-TOP)」認證。審查意見中提到,這套準備級一級(Band Novice 1)教材以實用且貼近生活的日常對話作為課文形式,「單元架構清楚,訊息量適中,排版簡潔」,非常適合初學者,練習題中包含符合華語文能力測驗準備級的題型,「每課最後的Phrase和Idiom這類語用、文化、慣用語方面的介紹,是很好的學習材料,也增添了教材趣味性。」TutorABC Chinese中文教材,被納入華語文能力測驗網站的推薦學習資源。TutorABC Chinese的全方位學習資源包括學習指南、互動練習、模擬測驗、模擬考
IntroductionThe GCSE Chinese exam is an important milestone for secondary school students, assessing their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Chinese. It’s not just about language proficiency; it’s also a chance to explore Chinese culture. Here are some top preparation tips and resources to help you succeed.What Is the Structure of the GCSE Chinese Exam?The GCSE Chinese exam has four main sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. There are two levels: Foundation Tier
Do you know the differnece between HSK 2.0 and its latest version 3.0? Under HSK 3.0, learners are introduced to an additional 6092 words compared to HSK 2.There is a significant transition from the previous HSK 2.0 to the updated HSK 3.0. This transition is not merely a shift in the examination framework but embodies a more comprehensive approach to evaluating Chinese language proficiency. Here we delve into the key differences between HSK 2.0 and HSK 3.0, shedding light on what these changes e
A while ago, we gave you a post explaining the three “ta”s (him, her, it) of Chinese. Today, we’re going to explain another holy trinity in Chinese grammar: the three “de” particles of Chinese language.These particles are some of the hardest components of Chinese grammar. Even native speakers often mix them up.The use of the particle “de” is to modify another noun, verb, or adjective. For example, if Chinese people want to say “quietly,” they would say “安静地 (Ān jìng de).” Or, if they would want
來自巴西的Felipe,是一名專案經理,來台已經13年,超級融入台灣在地文化,整個人充滿台灣魂,很接地氣。靠著TutorABC Chinese的線上課程,讓他即使工作忙碌,也能彈性排課,中文程度大幅提升。熱愛台灣的Felipe,大推在TutorABC Chinese學中文成效顯著。「我是2010年,28歲時接受公司外派的機會來到台灣,也很常出差到中國。當年的工作是3年合約,但因為太喜歡台灣了,所以留在這裡找工作。」沒想到這一待,就是13年,Felipe平時工作上較常用到英語和他的母語:西語及葡語,因此雖然在台灣待了很久,卻是直到近3年才比較認真開始學中文,近半年接觸到TutorABC Chinese課程,更讓他功力大增。來看Felipe分享在TutorABC學中文的高效體驗。老師教學親切 排課時間彈性
One of our youngest AP Chinese students achieved a band 4 out of 5 on her latest AP Chinese exam and shared her experience learning with TutorABC Chinese. “I am happy to share my experience with the online 1-on-1 AP Chinese course. As a 14-year-old preparing for AP exam, I initially lacked confidence in my Chinese language skills and was worried that I couldn’t keep up. I knew I needed to improve quickly and be ready for the exam, and this course helped me reached my goal.My teachers were not on
【2023-09-26,台北訊】在全球160國施測、每年超過700萬人次報考的多益,你考過了嗎?台灣企業對多益成績要求漸高,門檻平均落在550到600分,近期華航大舉招募桃機地勤,就要求提供2年內多益600分成績;國貿類門檻更高,如外貿協會徵才,求職者須TOEIC聽讀測驗750分以上,口說測驗140分以上,才能進入第二階段面試。TutorABC最強多益備考班 掌握高分秘訣。奪分密技 全球頂尖備考用書Barron’s加持 TutorABC與全球考試用書頂尖品牌Barron’s合作,由TutorABC教研團隊,透過獨家「多益煉金術」提煉書中精華,推出最強線上多益備考班,專為忙碌又想取得高分者,打造應考金鐘罩,任何題型都難不倒,朝金色證書邁進!多益聽讀試題多達200題,想拿高分,實力、速度、技巧缺一不可。坊間不乏各種多益自學資源,但缺乏系統性整