


1. That’s a bargain.€    價錢真便宜
2. That’s a steal.     太便宜了(特別指比預期低很多的時候)
3. That’s way too much. / That’s too expensive. / That’s pretty steep. / The price is too steep. (上述皆可表示“太貴了”)
4. Can you give me a discount?€ 可以給我折扣嗎?
5. Can you go any lower? / Can you cut the price down a bit?  你可以再算便宜一點嗎?
6. Is the price flexible? / Is there any flexibility on the price? 還有議價空間嗎?
7. I can’t go that low. / I can’t go any lower than that.  我不能再降價了/價錢不能再低了


1. Haggle (v.) / Bargain (v.) 議價;殺價

When a customer and a salesperson discuss (or argue) over the price of a product, this is calledhaggling. Some stores allow the customer to haggle, but some do not. Haggling is sometimescalled bargaining.(haggling是名詞,haggle是動詞;haggling 又可用bargaining這個字來替換)

例句:The guy in that shop wanted $3,600 for this suit, but I haggled him down to $2,250.

2. Negotiate (v.) 談判、協商

To negotiate means to discuss a situation with someone until you are both satisfied.

例句:You can’t both get what you want without negotiating a little bit.

3. Get a deal. (id.) / Reach a deal. (id.) 成交;達成交易

When a customer and a salesperson reach a price they can both accept, one may say,¨you’ve
got a deal.

例句:We negotiated for over an hour, but we finally reached a deal. We’re going to buy 10,000 units for $120 per unit.我們協商超過一個小時,終於成交了。我們會買10,000件,每件120元。

4. Discount (n. / v.) 折扣;打折扣

A discount is a reduction in price. Sometimes you can ask for a discount, but other times you
may need to bring a coupon, or visit a store on a particular day.

例句:Let’s go to the bakery. It’s after 7 p.m., so there’s a 30 percent discount on all the items.我們去麵包店吧,已經過了七點,所有商品打七折。

5.Steep (adj.) 陡峭的、過高的、不合理的(價格等)

In the world of retail, a steep price means a high price.
例句:I can’t afford to visit Hawaii in the summer, because the prices are too steep. So I’m going in the autumn instead.
6. Flexible (adj.) 靈活的、彈性的

If something is fl exible, it can bend without breaking. In shopping, a flexible price means it can go up or down.
例句:Prices for fruit are very flexible at this time of year. They go up and down depending on the harvest.


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