1. 午後雷陣雨 afternoon thunderstorms
例句:Afternoon thunderstorms forecast to ease Monday in Taiwan.
2. 攝氏氣溫 degrees Celsius/濕度 humidity
例句:The temperature in Taipei is 36-37 degrees Celsius, with humidity 80%.
3. 輕度颱風 Mild Typhoon/中度颱風 Moderate Typhoon/強烈颱風 Severe Typhoon
例句:A new mild typhoon may impact Taiwan
4. 颱風警報 typhoon warnings
例句:All public typhoon warnings were lifted yesterday afternoon.
5. 停止上班上課 classes work is canceled /要上班不上課 classes are canceled while work isn’t.
例句:In Taipei, classes or work is canceled; in Kaohsiung, classes are canceled while work isn’t.
6. 淹水 flooding
例句:There is flooding in parts of Gongguan, with the flood water knee-high.