More than 1.5 billion children have been stuck at home due to school closures during the coronavirus pandemic. In late March, the Indian government ordered a nationwide lockdown, meaning 300 million students in India have to learn at home.
Byju’s, an India-based education startup, announced in early March that it would give students free access to its learning app. The company saw a 60% increase in the number of new users after the announcement.
Online learning enables personalized lesson formats and makes possible a more engaging and interactive learning process. The current school closures might not only boost online learning but may also change how students learn and how teachers teach.
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不管主動或被動,各國教育界目前都在順勢推動「online learning線上學習」,以下是線上教育時常穿插運用的幾種學習模式與優點
1. video lesson: 影片授課。可以依需求針對困難的部份回放,重複聆聽學習直到聽懂
2. live class: 直播課堂。仿照在教室裡的上課方式,增加互動感
3. practice & analysis:練習與分析。學完一個概念後,有許多題目可以練習,確認吸收的程度,並且依據數據分析,找出學習盲點
4. exam preparation: 大考備考準備。配合大數據,因應不同考試做更有效率的準備
5. personalized learning journeys:個人化的學習歷程記錄。學習過程中的數據資料,能夠幫助學生了解自己的學習進度、弱勢、與強項,有益於規劃未來的學習計畫
Online learning enables students to learn at their own pace.
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