握手太危險,「數位握手」正夯–澳洲政府推出COVIDSafe App保護人民With a “Digital Handshake,” the COVIDSafe App Protects People from the Virus

The Australian government launched a coronavirus contact-tracing app, COVIDSafe, and encouraged people to download it. Users register in the app by entering their age range, a cellphone number, a postcode, and a name.

The app uses a Bluetooth wireless signal to exchange a “digital handshake” between users’ phones when people come within 1.5 meters of the device. Users will be alerted if they have stayed in one place for more than 15 minutes in proximity to another user who has tested positive. This also helps health officials to more quickly trace contact once a user is diagnosed with coronavirus.

All application data will be stored securely. The Australian government has stated that no one except state health authorities will have permission to access it, not even the police with a court order.

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英語帶著走 │ 學習:

「digital handshake」數位握手,有時也直接譯為訊號交換,指得是數位裝置之間「透過信號對接的訊息交換」,就好像人與人之間的握手招呼一樣,只是我們的肉眼看不到。


1. register:註冊使用

2. Bluetooth:藍牙技術。例如使用無線耳機時,便是透過開啟藍牙功能連接手機

3. trace:追蹤。3C裝置會如同人們走路一般留下「足跡記錄」,有心人士會透過追蹤這些「足跡」來獲取使用者的隱私資訊

4. access:讀取、存取。當名詞用的access有「通道、途徑」的意思,使用在資訊範圍時,就是「取得資料」的行為


The government should ask for permission to access our personal information.



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