Film and TV shoots are starting up again after the lockdown, but something has changed under COVID-19 measures.
Lizzy Talbot is an intimacy coordinator, a role which involves choreographing scenes that feature sexual acts or close contact. She helps the cast and crew to determine boundaries between actors, trying to ensure that the content isn’t triggering for anyone.
Intimacy coordinators are increasingly important in light of the #MeToo movement. In the post-COVID-19 era, the new guidelines also raise the need for the role. Lizzy Talbot said if people’s considerations of boundaries have increased because of the pandemic, this could be a blessing in the longer term.
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在封城過後,電影和電視產業終於重啟拍攝;但在 COVID-19 的新措施下,有些疫情已然改變。
Lizzy Talbot 是所謂的「親密關係協調者」,在拍攝現場負責編排與性行為或親密肢體互動有關的場景。她會協助演員、工作人員來處理人與人肢體互動的界線,避免拍攝內容引發抗議。
在 #MeToo 運動興起後,親密關係協調者這樣的角色就益發重要;而在後疫情時代,新的指導規則也讓這份角色的需求提升。Lizzy Talbot 認為,如果因為這場全球大流行,讓大家對人與人之間互動界線更謹慎,其實從長遠來看反而是好事一樁。
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in light of 指的是「因為、有鑒於」,與「because of」同義,也可以寫成「in the light of」。
例句:In light of the imported COVID-19 cases, we are asking people to wear masks.
有鑒於近期境外移入的 COVID-19 案例,我們提醒大家要戴口罩。
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