Walking into a fast food restaurant in Berlin, you may notice that vegan meals are becoming a popular staple. Burger King offers plant-based nuggets right now, and McDonald’s added a vegan burger to its menus last May.
This is not surprising. More than 40% of Germans are cutting down on meat, and Germany has the highest rate of vegetarianism compared to its European neighbors.
Why the reduction in meat consumption? It might be because of increasing public concern about climate change. A recent report suggests that people reducing meat and dairy consumption by 20% to 40% is one of the keys to solve global warming.
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這其實一點都不讓人驚訝,因為德國目前有約 4 成人在減少肉食攝取,而德國也是歐盟國家中素食者最多的。
為何德國人開始少吃肉呢?或許跟大眾對氣候變遷議題愈來愈在乎的態度有關。根據最近一份研究報告指出,人類不需要變成完全的素食主義者,只要每天少吃 2 到 4 成的肉類、奶製品,對於抵抗氣候變遷就有重要影響。
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cut down on 指「出於某種健康理由,減少、降低對某些食物的攝取」,後面可以接食物類別。
He is trying to cut down on the amount of salt he consumes.
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