According to the Forbes Magazine, the 73-year-old shoemaker Zhang Congyuan is ranked as Taiwan’s new wealthiest individual, with an estimated fortune of NT$385 billion.
Zhang Congyuan started his business in Yunlin County. He and his family run the Huali Industrial Group, which is a key shoes supplier for global brands such as Nike, Puma and Vans. The company owns production facilities in China, Vietnam, and even the Dominica Republic.
In addition, this is the first time for the self-made tycoon to top the Forbes’ top 50 billionaires list in Taiwan.
根據《富比世》雜誌報導,73歲的鞋王張聰淵是台灣的新科首富,其財產估計高達新台幣 3850 億元。
張聰淵在雲林一手起家,他和家人現在經營宏福實業集團,該集團是 Nike、Puma 以及 Vans 等跨國知名品牌的主要鞋子供應商。他們在中國、越南甚至多明尼加共和國都有工廠。
此外,這位白手起家的鞋王,也是第一次名列富比世台灣 50 大富豪榜的榜首。
self-made 是「白手起家」,為形容詞,形容從零開始靠自己一手在商場上打拚出成績的人。
He is a self-made billionaire. 他是白手起家的億萬富翁。
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