布萊德彼特紅毯裙裝現身!Brad Pitt Wears Skirt on Red Carpet!

Well-renowned movie star Brad Pitt appeared on the red carpet of the Berlin screening of his new film Bullet Train in a skirt, making waves in fashion circles. At 58 years old, the actor chose a brown linen jacket and skirt with an unbuttoned pink shirt, and going for a pair of biker boots to show off his shin tattoos. Brown sunglasses topped off the look.

When asked why he chose to wear a skirt, Pitt had a simple answer. “The breeze. The breeze.” By making this genderfluid fashion statement that many male icons have validated, he is yet again breaking gender-binary sartorial norms.





top something off 就是以….作結,像是一個完美的結束,或是畫龍點睛之舉,也可以說是「順利完成;圓滿完成」,例如:

  • She topped off her performance with a dazzling encore. 她以精采的安可圓滿完成了表演。
  • We topped off dinner with dessert and coffee. 我們用甜點和咖啡結束了晚餐。


  • make waves 引起波瀾
  • linen (n.) 亞麻布
  • genderfluid (adj.) 性別流動的
  • gender-binary (adj) 性別二元的
  • validate (v.) 認可
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