狗狗幣本柴傳出病危!Shiba Inu who inspired the ‘doge’ meme is seriously ill

Kabosu, the internet-famous Shiba Inu who inspired the “doge” meme, is critically ill with leukemia and liver disease. The 17-year-old dog became one of the most recognized animals on the internet when a 2010 photo of her posing with folded paws and a quizzical expression spread across social media. Netizens soon began photoshopping Kabosu’s face onto everything. The meme was made into an alternative cryptocurrency called Dogecoin. Even Elon Musk is a fan.

Her owner said the dog was “in a very dangerous condition,” but she also thanked Kabosu’s fans for their support, saying she is “getting power from all over the world!”

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

全球最紅的柴犬病了!狗狗幣(Doge)迷因圖本尊網紅柴犬Kabosu近日患有白血病和肝病,病情危急。Kabosu今年已經17歲了,在2010年時,牠一張雙手交迭、得意微笑,表情相當擬人化的生活照在網路上暴紅,成為全球最紅的動物之一。網友很快就開始將 Kabosu的臉合成到各處,讓牠無所不在。 該迷因更啟發了名為「狗狗幣」的加密貨幣,甚至連馬斯克都是它的粉絲。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:


  • The report is highly critical of safety standards at the factory. 這篇報道尖銳地批評了那家工廠的安全標準。
  • This is a critical decision.  這是一項非常重大的決定


  • Ten people are said to be in critical condition from the car accident.   那場車禍據說造成10人命危。


  • shiba inu (n.) 柴犬
  • meme (n.) 迷因
  • quizzical (adj.) 充滿疑問的
  • netizen (n.) 網民
  • cryptocurrency (n.) 加密貨幣
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