醫生警告父母親小朋友被小東西噎住的危險 Doctors warn parents of the choking hazards of small objects

Between 2011 and 2015 in Taiwan, there were nearly 600 cases of children needing medical assistance for ingesting small objects. The average age of the cases was five years old. Most cases occurred around lunchtime, and 90% happened at home.

Doctors remind parents to keep small items such as coins, batteries, buttons, and magnets out of children’s reach to avoid accidents. Once kids begin to vomit or drool after immediately away.

Doctors also suggest parents learn the Heimlich maneuver and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to relieve choking. However, if a child swallows a poisonous substance, parents should take them to a doctor immediately rather than make him vomit.

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醫生同時也建議家長們學習哈姆立克急救法(Heimlich maneuver)還有心肺復甦術(cardiopulmonary resuscitation)來緩解窒息的緊急危機。然而,如果小朋友吞下的是有毒的東西,則應該要立即帶他們去向醫生求助,而非想辦法催吐,避免造成二次傷害。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

reach 作動詞用是「伸手取得」的意思,當作名詞使用時,可以表示「伸手可及的距離、範圍」等等,因此可以用 out of reach 來形容「摸不到、搆不著」的地方,且除了形容實際距離之外,也可以延伸使用在抽象「能力所不能及、遙不可及」的概念上。

What she achieved is out of reach for most people.


  • choke (v.) 窒息、噎住
  • ingest (v.) 吞下、攝取
  • vomit (v.) 嘔吐
  • drool (v.) 流口水
  • substance (n.) 物質
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