Hollywood action movie star Bruce Willis has announced he will “step away” from his acting career in a statement signed by his family and co-released by his former wife Demi Moore and their daughter Rumer Willis on March 30. Willis was recently diagnosed with aphasia, which affected his cognitive awareness, speech, comprehension, and reading ability.
In his 40-year career, the Hollywood veteran has appeared in more than 100 movies. Willis has won one Golden Globe Award and two Emmys. He has also been acclaimed for several classic roles throughout his career, including the caring child psychologist in The Sixth Sense, a boxer in Pulp Fiction, and the persevering NYPD cop in the Die Hard franchise. After the news, fans worldwide paid tribute to the tough-guy action hero.
好萊塢動作片巨星布魯斯威利,在3月30日時,由同為知名影星的前妻兼好友Demi Moore、與兩人的女兒Rumer Willis,共同發表了一份布魯斯威利全家人一起簽署的聲明,代他出面宣布將就此結束演戲生涯。布魯斯威利不久前被診斷出罹患失語症,此病症已逐漸影響他的認知、表達、理解與閱讀能力。
acclaim 可以當作名詞與動詞使用,意思都是「廣受讚譽、歡迎、認可」的意思。當作動詞使用時,常見會以 sb be.V acclaimed for sth (某人因為某事而廣受讚譽)或是 sb be.V acclaimed as +身份(某人因為某種身份而受到歡迎、讚揚)來表示。
She is widely acclaimed for her scientific achievement.