台灣與英國達成新協議,放鬆雙邊打工度假簽證規範 Taiwan and UK come to a new agreement on easing working holiday visa procedures

Taiwan and the United Kingdom have reached a reciprocal agreement on easing visa procedures for working holidays on both sides. Under the new rules, visitors on working holiday visas may apply to switch to work or student visas without having to leave and re-enter each other’s respective borders.

Starting from March 10, Taiwanese youths in the UK under the Youth Mobility Scheme may apply to change their visa status before it expires. They are eligible to apply as skilled workers, health and care workers, and for intra-company transfer visas. Britons in Taiwan holding a YMS visa right now may enjoy the same treatment. This agreement intends to reduce the inconvenience and hassle caused by COVID-19 pandemic-related border restrictions.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:


從3月10日開始,年齡在18-30歲之間,參加「臺英青年交流計畫」(Youth Mobility Scheme,簡稱YMS)獲得工作簽證、且人正在英國的台灣青年,可以在簽證到期前,直接向當地的駐英國台北代表處申請變更簽證狀態。這群人能夠申請技術勞工、健康與關懷照護勞工、與公司內部轉調申請等三種簽證。反之亦然,參與YMS計畫且人正在台灣的英國人,也能享有相同的待遇。這項協議的目的,是為了減少在Covid-19疫情影響下,邊境規定緊縮所造成的不便與麻煩。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

agreement 的意思是「一致的意見、同意」也有「合約、協議」的意思,當我們說 reach agreement時,可以是「取得共識」之意,而 reach an agreement on sth / with sb 或 come to an agreement 則可直接表示「達成『協議』」之意。

Both sides of the conflict finally reached a cease-fire agreement.


  1. ease (v.) 減緩、放鬆
  2. reciprocal (adj.) 互惠的
  3. respective (adj.) 各自的
  4. expire (v.) 到期
  5. intra-company 公司內部轉調
  6. Briton (n.) 英國人
  7. hassle (n.) 麻煩
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