全機乘客齊唱兒童神曲《Baby Shark》安撫哭泣的小男孩 Plane passengers sing Baby Shark together to soothe a crying toddler

Another TikTok video has gone viral. A little boy was upset and wailing on a six-hour flight from Dubai to Albania a few weeks ago. His father had been trying to calm him down without any success.

Instead of complaining, a passenger began to distract the boy. Then a small group of people started to sing the famous children’s song Baby Shark to cheer him up. More and more passengers joined in, singing and clapping. The boy finally stopped crying and enjoyed the impromptu singalong.

Passenger Parikshit Balochi captured this heartwarming moment and posted it on TikTok. The footage has received more than 7 million views. Almost all commenters on the video praised the tolerance and kindness that the passengers showed.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:


沒想到同機的一名乘客非但沒有因為受到干擾而投訴,反而是開始試圖轉移小男孩的注意力,想要幫忙讓他停止哭泣。接著一小群人開始哼唱起兒童界幾乎無人不知、無人不曉的「國歌」《Baby Shark》,想要讓小男孩開心起來。越來越多的乘客看到之後紛紛加入,一起唱歌拍手。小男孩終於停止哭泣,轉而開始津津有味地看起這場即興的大合唱。 飛機上的乘客Parikshit Balochi用手機捕捉下了這暖心的一刻,並且將影片上傳到TikTok平台。短短的時間內已經有超過七百萬次的瀏覽量了。在影片下方的留言,幾乎清一色都在稱讚這些溫暖的乘客們所展現出來的包容與仁慈。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

當面對情緒激動的對象時,我們會試著去安撫對方、希望他們冷靜下來,這時候可以使用soothe v. 這個動詞,來表達「使…平靜下來、安撫」,也可以使用片語calm down「使…冷靜、使…鎮定」,幫助對方從生氣、不愉快、興奮等不同的激動狀態漸趨平靜,或是選用simmer down「從(怒氣沖天、激動難平)等高昂的情緒和緩下來」,而cool down則從偏向「從怒氣中漸漸平復」。

He had no clue how to soothe a crying baby.


  • toddler (n.) 幼童
  • wail (v.) 大哭
  • distract (v.) 轉移注意力 
  • impromptu (adj.) 即興的
  • singalong (n.) 大合唱
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