MIT科學家證實,要讓夾心內餡平均分佈地轉開Oreo夾心餅乾並不容易 MIT scientists confirm that evenly splitting an Oreo is not easy

Many people have noticed that when splitting an Oreo cookie, the cream filling usually sticks to one side. An MIT mechanical engineering Ph.D. candidate, Crystal Owens, launched an investigation into this. She tried to figure out the secret and dug into fluid dynamics.

Owens intended to find a way to split the cream equally on both halves. She designed a 3D-printed device called Oreometer, based on a rheometer, to simulate the motion when we twist an Oreo apart.

After testing different types of Oreos, she found that nearly 95% of cream filling remained stuck on one side in most cases. The research team believes that the production process is responsible for this result. 

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

在當年廣告的強力播放下,六七年級生可能都對Oreo餅乾「轉一轉,舔一舔,再泡一泡牛奶」的趣味吃法感到耳熟能詳。但很多人也注意到,當想要從中間分開Oreo餅乾的時候,內餡的奶油夾心卻常常全部黏在其中一側的餅乾上。一位麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT)專門研究機械工程的博士候選人Crystal Owens,便決定以此為論文主題展開研究。她試圖找出這個現象的奧秘所在,並且一頭鑽進流體動力學(fluid dynamics)來找答案。



輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

dig (v.) 本來是指「挖、鑿」這樣的動作,但dig into則用來表示「鑽研、探究、致力於(了解)」的意思。

This lesson will dig into the topic.


  • evenly (adv.) 平均地
  • split (v.) 分開
  • filling (n.) 填充物、內餡
  • stick (v.) 黏住
  • halves (n.) 一半(half的複數型)
  • simulate (v.) 模仿
  • twist (v.) 轉動
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