台裔美人是全美第三富有族裔 Taiwanese-Americans rank US 3rd wealthiest ethnic group

A chart titled “Median Household Income in the United States by Ethnic Group”has gone viral. Taiwanese-Americans were listed at US$82,500 per household, placing them third among all ethnic groups in the U.S. and four spots above Chinese-Americans, while Indian-Americans took the top spot with US$100,500 per household.

Asian Americans were found to have the highest median household income of all groups. It could be attributed to education level. Asian Americans have the highest share of people aged 25 and older holding at least a college degree, with 51% attaining a bachelor’s degree or higher, while Taiwanese-Americans top the chart with 74.5% having done so.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

一份名為「美國各族裔家庭收入中位數」的圖表,近期在網上瘋傳。其中,台灣裔美國人的家庭收入為 82,500 美元,在美國所有族裔中排名第三,比中國裔美國人還高 4 位,而印度裔美國人則以每戶 100,500 美元的收入,位居榜首。 而在所有群體中,所有的亞裔美國人家庭收入中位數最高,這可以歸因於教育程度。

亞裔美國人在25歲及以上、至少擁有大學學位的人中,所佔比例最高,有 51% 獲得了學士學位或更高學位,台裔美國人則以74.5%的比例位居榜首。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

說到「種族」,一般人可能會先想到race這個字,但這指稱的是白種人、黃種人、黑種人等分類。本文提到的ethnic也可以翻成種族,但更精確的說法,是「族裔的」或是「民族的」,同一個race裡面,可能會有不同的ethnic group,例如黃種人,還是可以細分為印度裔、華裔、日裔等等。



  • ethnic food 異國風味的食物
  • ethnic costume 具有民族特色的服飾


  • wealthy (adj.) 富有的
  • go viral 瘋傳
  • median (n.) 中位數
  • attribute (v.) 把…歸因於
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