新混種樂團!珂拉琪榮獲金曲獎最佳新人Collage wins Best New Artist at 2022 GMA

Taiwanese chamber pop duo Collage won Best New Artist award at the 33rd Golden Melody Awards for their debut album MEmento·MORI, which was released in December 2021. The group, founded in 2019 by vocalist Natsuko Lariyod and guitarist Ông Ka-koân, is famous for their use of synthesizers and lyrics in several different languages, including Taiwanese Hoklo, Amis, English, and Japanese.

During their acceptance speech, Collage’s guitarist Ông Ka-koân said, “If our music can make people think of their own histories and after exploring this curiosity, find their answers, this is the most valuable thing to us.”

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主唱,英文是vocalist或是lead singer


貝斯手是bassist 或是bass player

鼓手是drummer 有些樂團還會有pianist 鋼琴手、backing vocalist 合聲歌手等,編制非常龐大,都要各司其職才能有美好的表演與作品呢!


  • duo (n.) 雙人組合
  • release (v.) 發行
  • synthesizer (n.) 合成器
  • lyric (n.) 歌詞
  • explore (v.) 探索
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