五分鐘英語-妮妃雅-美國變裝皇后在台灣總統府的歷史性表演 Nymphia Wind Makes History with Presidential Performance in Taiwan


妮妃雅(Nymphia Wind)-《魯保羅變裝皇后秀》冠軍得主,這次踏進了總統府,在這裡與瘋家皇后一起上演了一場六色彩虹大秀。這場表演在這個具有深刻意義的場域中,以舞蹈表演象徵自由、平等的精神。

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[Host]: Welcome to TutorABC.com, your go-to podcast for language learning and cultural insights. I’m your host, and today we have a fascinating topic that blends culture, performance, and a bit of international relations. We’re diving into the recent performance by Nymphia Wind, a renowned drag queen, at Taiwan’s presidential office. This event was not just a spectacle but also a significant cultural moment. Stay tuned as we explore the details and learn some new vocabulary along the way.

[主持人]:今天我們有一個迷人的話題,結合了文化、表演,還有一點國際關係。我們將深入探討最近著名變裝皇后Nymphia Wind在台灣總統府的表演。這次活動不僅僅是一場壯觀的表演,也是一個重要的文化時刻。請繼續關注,我們將探索細節,並在旅途中學習一些新詞彙。

[Host]: Nymphia Wind, the talented drag queen from Taiwan, recently made headlines by performing at the presidential office in Taipei. This performance was a celebration of her victory on “RuPaul’s Drag Race” and a tribute to outgoing President Tsai Ing-wen. Nymphia’s act included a vibrant display of dance and lip-syncing to songs by Lady Gaga and Taiwanese singer Huang Fei. Her performance was not only a personal triumph but also a symbolic moment for Taiwan’s LGBTQ+ community.

[主持人]:來自台灣的才華橫溢的變裝皇后Nymphia Wind最近因在台北總統府的表演而成為新聞焦點。這次表演既是她在《魯保羅變裝皇后秀》上獲勝的慶祝,也是對即將卸任的蔡英文總統的致敬。Nymphia的表演包括了生動的舞蹈和對Lady Gaga和台灣歌手黃飛歌曲的唱口型。她的表演不僅是個人的勝利,也是台灣LGBTQ+社群的象徵性時刻。


Nymphia was dressed as a yellow water lily, a costume symbolizing purity and transformation, which resonated with the theme of her performance. The yellow water lily also represents resilience and strength, qualities that Nymphia embodies as a performer and activist. Her routine included dramatic dance moves and acrobatics, such as twirling, sashaying, and even doing the splits, all while maintaining perfect synchronization with the music.


President Tsai Ing-wen, known for her progressive stance on social issues, warmly received Nymphia. After the performance, Nymphia expressed her gratitude to Tsai, acknowledging her efforts in advancing LGBTQ+ rights in Taiwan. Tsai’s administration has been instrumental in making Taiwan the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage, a milestone achieved in 2019. Nymphia’s words were filled with emotion as she thanked the president for her contributions, which have allowed artists like herself to thrive in a more inclusive society.


This performance was not just about entertainment; it was a powerful statement of cultural pride and political progress. It showcased Taiwan’s unique position in Asia as a beacon of democracy and human rights. The event was also historic because it was likely the first time a presidential office hosted a drag performance, highlighting Taiwan’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.


The significance of this event extends beyond the performance itself. It reflects the growing acceptance and recognition of LGBTQ+ individuals in Taiwan, a country that continues to lead the way in Asia for LGBTQ+ rights. Nymphia Wind’s performance at the presidential office symbolizes a new era of openness and equality, setting a powerful example for other nations in the region.

這次事件的意義不僅僅在於表演本身,它反映了台灣LGBTQ+個體在台灣日益增長的接受和認可,台灣在亞洲LGBTQ+權利方面持續引領潮流。Nymphia Wind在總統府的表演象徵著一個新的開放和平等時代,為該地區的其他國家樹立了強大的示範。

Let’s take a moment to learn some vocabulary related to this story. I’ll introduce ten words and phrases that will help you better understand and discuss this topic.

Vocabulary 學習單字:

✦ Drag Queen(noun)變裝皇后 – A performer, typically a man, who dresses in women’s clothes and often acts with exaggerated femininity.

✦ Lip-syncing(noun)假唱,對口型 – Moving the lips in synchronization with a recorded song or soundtrack.

✦ Presidential Office(noun)總統府 – The official office of the president, where state affairs are conducted.

✦ Outgoing(adjective)外向的 – Referring to a person who is leaving a particular position or office.

✦ Vibrant(adjective)充滿活力 – Full of energy and enthusiasm.

✦ Tribute (noun)表示敬意的行為 – An act, statement, or gift intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration.

✦ Spectacle(noun)精彩的表演 – A visually striking performance or display.

✦ Symbolic(adjective)象徵性的 – Serving as a symbol, representing something deeper.

✦ Cultural Moment (noun)與文化有關的 – An event or period significant in cultural or societal terms.

✦ LGBTQ+ (noun)多元性別 – An acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and others.

♡L-Lesbiche 女同性戀
♡G-Gay 男同性戀
♡B-bisessuali 雙性戀
♡Q-Queer 酷兒
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