五分鐘英語-醫療挑戰:從韓國醫生罷工到台灣經驗的見解Healthcare Challenges: Insights from the South Korean Doctors’ Strike and Taiwan’s Experience

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picture VIA:European Pressphoto Agency

Ms. Lin:Hello everyone, 歡迎來到 TutorABC!我是你們的主持人Ms. Lin。

Mr. Johnson: And I’m Mr. Johnson. Today, we’re going to talk about the recent doctors’ strike in South Korea. We’ll also compare it with Taiwan’s healthcare system.

Ms. Lin:對,今天我們會討論韓國醫生罷工事件,並比較一下台灣的醫療環境。那我們開始吧!

picture VIA:European Pressphoto Agency

Mr. Johnson:So, have you heard about the doctors’ strike in South Korea? It’s been a major event affecting many people and highlighting some critical issues in their healthcare system.

Ms. Lin:嗯,最近有聽說韓國的醫生罷工嗎?這是一個很重要的事件,影響了很多人,也揭示了韓國醫療系統中的一些重大問題。

picture VIA:European Pressphoto AP News

Mr. Johnson:Before we dive into the details, let’s go over some key vocabulary and grammar that will help you understand this topic better.

Ms. Lin:在我們進入細節之前,先來學一些相關的英文單字和文法,這樣大家在聽的時候會更容易理解。

Mr. Johnson:First, we have strike. It’s a noun meaning 罷工. For example, The doctors’ strike in South Korea lasted for several days.

Ms. Lin:對,strike 是名詞,意思是罷工。例如:The doctors’ strike in South Korea lasted for several days. 韓國的醫生罷工持續了好幾天。

Mr. Johnson:Next is protest, which can be a noun or verb meaning 抗議. For example, The doctors protested against the government’s new policy.

Ms. Lin:再來是 protest,可以是名詞或動詞,意思是抗議。例如:The doctors protested against the government’s new policy. 醫生們抗議政府的新政策。

Mr. Johnson:Then we have healthcare system. It’s a noun phrase meaning 醫療系統. For example, The healthcare system in South Korea is known for its high-quality services.

Ms. Lin:接下來是 healthcare system,這是一個名詞短語,意思是醫療系統。例如:The healthcare system in South Korea is known for its high-quality services. 韓國的醫療系統以其高品質服務而聞名。

Mr. Johnson:We also have negotiation, a noun meaning 談判. For example, The government and the doctors’ union are in negotiations to resolve the strike.

Ms. Lin:還有 negotiation,這是一個名詞,意思是談判。例如:The government and the doctors’ union are in negotiations to resolve the strike. 政府和醫生工會正在談判以解決罷工問題。

Mr. Johnson:Lastly, union, a noun meaning 工會. For example, The doctors’ union called for the strike in response to the proposed changes.

Ms. Lin:最後是 union,這也是一個名詞,意思是工會。例如:The doctors’ union called for the strike in response to the proposed changes. 醫生工會因應提議的變革發起了罷工。

Mr. Johnson:In terms of grammar, we can practice using the present perfect tense. It’s often used to describe actions that happened at an unspecified time and have relevance to the present. For example, The doctors have protested for better working conditions.

Ms. Lin:在文法方面,我們可以練習使用 現在完成式 (present perfect tense),因為它常用來描述過去發生但和現在有關聯的事件。例如:The doctors have protested for better working conditions. 醫生們一直在抗議要求更好的工作條件。

picture VIA:SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images/KIM Jae-Hwan

Mr. Johnson:Now that we understand the vocabulary and grammar, let’s discuss the details of the doctors’ strike in South Korea. The strike was primarily due to the government’s plan to increase medical school admissions by 4,000 over the next ten years. Doctors believe this will lower the quality of medical education and does not address their current issues of overwork and insufficient income.

Ms. Lin:現在我們對這些單字和文法有了一些了解,我們來討論一下這次韓國醫生罷工的細節。這次罷工主要是因為政府計劃在未來10年內增加醫學院的入學名額,增加4,000個新名額。醫生們認為這會導致醫學教育的質量下降,並且沒有解決他們目前面臨的工作過度和收入不足的問題。

Mr. Johnson:Many doctors also felt that their working conditions were already difficult and that the government’s plan would make things worse. They demanded better working conditions, more support for medical staff, and a voice in the decision-making process regarding healthcare policies.

Ms. Lin:很多醫生也覺得他們的工作條件已經很困難了,政府的計劃只會讓情況變得更糟。他們要求改善工作條件,增加對醫護人員的支持,並在醫療政策的決策過程中有發言權。

Mr. Johnson:The strike has significantly disrupted medical services nationwide. Many patients had to reschedule appointments and surgeries. The government and the doctors’ union are in negotiations to find a solution, but the strike continues for now.

Ms. Lin:這次罷工導致全國範圍內的醫療服務受到嚴重影響。很多病人不得不重新安排約診和手術。政府和醫生工會正在談判尋求解決方案,但目前罷工仍在持續。

Mr. Johnson:Now, let’s talk about how this situation compares to Taiwan. In Taiwan, the healthcare environment also faces challenges. Taiwanese doctors work long hours, experience high stress, and receive relatively low salaries. However, Taiwanese doctors have not initiated large-scale strikes like in South Korea.

Ms. Lin:現在我們來談談這個情況與台灣的比較。在台灣,醫療環境也面臨一些挑戰。台灣的醫生們工作時間長,壓力大,而且薪資相對較低。不過,台灣的醫生並沒有像韓國一樣發起大規模的罷工。

Mr. Johnson:One reason might be the National Health Insurance system. Taiwan’s system is well-established and ensures that most people can afford medical services, which reduces some of the pressure on the healthcare system.

Ms. Lin:其中一個原因可能是台灣的全民健保制度。台灣的全民健保制度非常健全,確保了大多數人能夠負擔得起醫療服務,這在一定程度上減少了醫療系統的壓力。

Mr. Johnson:However, this doesn’t mean that Taiwan’s healthcare system is without problems. Doctors often complain about being overworked and lacking rest time. The government and medical institutions need to better support healthcare workers to ensure they can provide high-quality care to patients.

Ms. Lin:然而,這並不意味著台灣的醫療系統沒有問題。醫生們經常抱怨工作負擔過重,缺乏休息時間。政府和醫療機構需要更好地支持醫護人員,確保他們能夠在良好的工作環境中為病人提供高品質的照護。

Mr. Johnson:To help you practice, here are some questions to think about and discuss with a friend, or write down in your journal:

Why did the doctors in South Korea go on strike?

How do you think the increase in medical school admissions might affect the quality of healthcare?

What are some differences between the healthcare systems in South Korea and Taiwan?

What can be done to improve the working conditions for doctors in both countries?

Ms. Lin:為了幫助大家練習,這裡有一些問題供大家思考或和朋友討論,或是寫在日記裡:為什麼韓國的醫生會罷工?你認為增加醫學院入學名額會如何影

Vocabulary 學習單字:

✦ Strike n. 罷工
The workers went on strike to demand higher wages.

✦ Protest v. 抗議
They protested against the unfair treatment of workers.

✦ healthcare system noun phrase醫療系統
The healthcare system in this country provides universal coverage.

✦ Negotiation noun 談判
The negotiation between the two countries lasted for weeks.

✦ Union n工會
The union demanded better working conditions for its members.

✦ Grammar n文法
Understanding grammar is essential for learning a new language.

✦ disruption n 中斷
The storm caused significant disruption to the transportation network.

✦ Reschedule v重新安排
They had to reschedule the meeting due to unexpected circumstances.

✦ comparison n 比較
The comparison between the two products showed clear advantages for the newer model.

✦ Highlighting  n突顯
The highlighting of key points in the presentation was very helpful.

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