先來認識一個很常見的字 【broke】 adj.
在Cambridge Dictionary中表示:without money(沒錢)。
✦ 買東西買到剁手手你可以說:
I’ve spent too much this month. I’m broke until payday.If I over-shop again, I will chop off my hands.我這個月花太多錢買東西。發薪日之前都要吃土了。在買我就剁手!
✦ 這個月花超支到沒朋友你可以說:
I’m too broke to even buy myself a bottle of green tea to go with my lunch.
想強調真的超級慘你可以在broke 前面加上 flat (蒼白的/平面的)
【flat broke】在Cambridge Dictionary中表示:used to emphasize that someone or something has no money(強調某人或物一點錢都沒有)
✦ Everything is getting more expensive, except for my salary. I’m always worried about going flat broke whenever I buy something.
說是台灣人不可能有人沒聽過這句!完全可以說是Taiwanese最愛說的口頭禪了!除了 Really?!你還可以這樣說:【No way! 】或是【Seriously?】
✦ No way! Taiwan’s volleyball team actually won the world championship?
✦ You’re the best-looking guy at this party…not! Oops~
✦ See you at the party tonight…not! Byeeee~
派對上見…才怪勒! 再見~
你可以用【veg out】
veg = vegetable(蔬菜),是vegetable縮寫
vegetable 也可以指「植物人」,veg out 是指「像植物人一樣一動也不動」之後漸漸轉為「耍廢」。
✦ I’ve had such a busy week at work; all I want to do this weekend is veg out. Please play “The Lazy Song” by Bruno Mars for me.
這週工作太忙了,這個週末我只想擺爛耍廢。請幫我點播Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song
當你想表達:「我只想擺爛」,你可以用【let something/someone slide】
在Cambridge Dictionary中表示:to not do anything about something or someone when you should try to change or correct that thing or person
✦ Life is too tough for him right now. He has no aspirations for the future and has decided to let everything slide for the rest of his days.
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