【托福學習寶典】1500字TOEFL iBT Speaking解析口說題型、題目範例

托福口說(TOEFL iBT Speaking)部分是托福考試中的重要環節,主要測試考生的英語口語表達能力和流利度。本文將介紹托福口說的題型、提供題目範例,並分享一些實用的練習技巧,幫助你在考試中取得好成績。


托福口說部分共有 4 道題目,分為以下兩種類型:

  1. 獨立口說題(Independent Speaking Tasks)
    • 題型一:根據個人經驗或意見回答問題。
    • 題型二:在兩個選項中選擇一個並解釋理由。
  2. 綜合口說題(Integrated Speaking Tasks)
    • 題型三:閱讀一段文字並聽取一段相關的講座或對話,然後回答問題。
    • 題型四:聽取一段講座或對話,然後回答問題。

TOEFL Independent Speaking Task: Example Responses

Prompt: Some teachers prefer students to send questions about coursework and assignments by email. Other teachers prefer students ask these questions in person. Which do you think is better? Explain why.



  1. 偏好或意見
    • ex. I think it is better for students to send questions about coursework and assignments via email.
  2. 主要論點
    • ex. email provides a written record of the communication, which can be very useful for students to refer back to later.
  3. 支持例子
    • 可以避免學生遺忘 For example, if a student forgets an important detail or instruction, they can easily review the email and find the information they need.
    • 可以讓學生更仔細地思考問題 For example, emailing questions allows students to formulate their queries more thoughtfully.
  4. 結論
    • On the other hand, asking questions in person might result in rushed or incomplete answers due to time constraints.

Sending Questions by Email 通過Email發送問題

I think it is better for students to send questions about coursework and assignments via email.


Firstly, email provides a written record of the communication, which can be very useful for students to refer back to later. For example, if a student forgets an important detail or instruction, they can easily review the email and find the information they need. This helps ensure that students have all the necessary details in one place, reducing the chances of confusion.


Secondly, emailing questions allows students to formulate their queries more thoughtfully. When students write emails, they have the opportunity to clearly articulate their questions and concerns, which can lead to more precise and helpful responses from teachers. Additionally, teachers can take the time to provide well-considered answers and resources, which might not be possible during a brief in-person conversation.


On the other hand, asking questions in person might result in rushed or incomplete answers due to time constraints. Therefore, for clarity and thoroughness, I believe sending questions by email is the better option.


Asking Questions in Person 親自提出問題

I believe it is better for students to ask questions about coursework and assignments in person. Firstly, asking questions in person allows for immediate feedback and clarification. For example, if a student asks a question during or after class, the teacher can provide an instant response, and if the student has follow-up questions, they can address them right away. This dynamic interaction helps ensure that students fully understand the material.


Secondly, in-person interactions help build a stronger student-teacher relationship. Engaging directly with teachers can make students feel more connected and supported. For instance, teachers can gauge students’ comprehension through their body language and facial expressions, allowing them to tailor their explanations more effectively. This personal connection can create a more engaging and supportive learning environment.


In contrast, email communication can sometimes be slow and lack the immediate, interactive element that in-person conversations provide. Therefore, for effective and supportive communication, I think asking questions in person is the better option.



  1. 模擬考試情境:在練習時,模擬真實考試環境,計時回答問題,這樣有助於提高答題速度和流利度。
  2. 多聽多說:經常聽英語講座、對話和演講,提高聽力理解能力。同時,多參加英語角或與朋友進行英語對話練習,增強口語表達能力。
  3. 整理答題結構:在回答問題時,注意答題結構,先陳述觀點,再舉例說明,最後總結,這樣能使回答更加清晰有條理。
  4. 記錄和反思:將自己的回答錄音,事後聽取並反思,找出不足之處並加以改進。


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