
圖源 報導者攝影 余志偉



1. 現況分析 Current Status Analysis


According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s 2024 statistics, Taiwan’s healthcare system faces a shortage of approximately 12,000 nursing staff, a 15% increase from 2023. Vacancy rates are 23% in emergency departments, 19% in internal medicine, and 21% in intensive care units.


A 2024 survey showed that 58% of nursing staff had considered resigning. Among those who actually left, 47% changed careers completely, while 35% moved to clinics or private healthcare institutions. The main reasons for resignation were excessive working hours (76%) and insufficient compensation (68%).


  • 護理人員照護比:台灣1:12,美國1:5,加拿大1:4
  • 醫師每週平均工時:台灣65小時,美國51小時,加拿大49小時
  • 每千人口醫師數:台灣2.4名,OECD平均3.5名

Taiwan’s healthcare professionals face workloads significantly higher than international standards:

  • Nurse-to-patient ratio: Taiwan 1:12, US 1:5, Canada 1:4
  • Average physician weekly working hours: Taiwan 65 hours, US 51 hours, Canada 49 hours
  • Physicians per 1,000 population: Taiwan 2.4, OECD average 3.5

2. 主要成因 Main Causes


Inadequate Salary and Benefits


Entry-level salaries for nursing staff in Taiwan are approximately NT$40,000-45,000, 15-25% lower than other professions requiring similar education. By purchasing power parity, Taiwanese nurses earn about US$38,000 annually, compared to US$78,000 in the United States and US$62,000 in Canada.


Excessive Working Hours and Poor Working Conditions


Nursing staff work an average of 20-30 overtime hours monthly, with 67% showing moderate or higher burnout symptoms. Healthcare violence incidents increased to 1,850 in 2024, up 23% from 2022.


National Health Insurance Payment System Limitations


The global budget system under National Health Insurance leads hospitals to control personnel costs. Most hospitals indicate that even if they want to increase nursing salaries, they are constrained by insurance payment levels.

3. 影響與後果 Impacts and Consequences


Healthcare staffing shortages lead to increased patient safety risks. A 2024 survey showed that in units with nurse-to-patient ratios exceeding 1:12, infection rates increased by 18% and pressure ulcer incidence by 21%.


If the problem continues to worsen, 25-30 small and medium-sized hospitals may face closure by 2027, and 23% of district hospitals are already unable to provide 24-hour emergency services.


Healthcare workers’ mental health is deteriorating, with 42% of nursing staff and 36% of physicians showing symptoms of anxiety or depression, significantly higher than the general population.

4. 國際經驗借鏡 International Experiences


United States and Canada

  • 差異化薪資結構:專科護理師年薪可達10萬美元以上
  • 彈性工時:三天工作四天休息等多元排班
  • 護理助理制度:擴大輔助人力使用
  • 持續教育獎勵:提供進修經費和時間
  • Differentiated salary structures: Specialist nurses can earn over US$100,000 annually
  • Flexible scheduling: Various options including three days on, four days off
  • Nursing assistant system: Expanded use of auxiliary staff
  • Continuing education incentives: Providing funds and time for further education


Japan and South Korea


  • 科技輔助照護:導入照護機器人和遠距醫療
  • 外籍照護人員引進:特定技能簽證
  • 護理保險制度:專門支應長期照護費用


  • Technology-assisted care: Implementing care robots and telemedicine
  • Foreign care staff introduction: Specific skills visas
  • Nursing care insurance system: Specifically funding long-term care costs


  • 護理師薪資改革:逐步提高公立醫院護理人員薪資
  • 工時規範強化:嚴格執行工時上限
  • 職場暴力零容忍政策:加重醫療場所暴力行為刑責

South Korea:

  • Nursing salary reform: Gradually increasing public hospital nursing salaries
  • Strengthening working hour regulations: Strictly enforcing working hour limits
  • Zero-tolerance policy for workplace violence: Increased penalties for violence in medical settings

5. 台灣可行的解決方案 Viable Solutions for Taiwan


Short-term Measures

  • 建立護理人員最低薪資標準,確保起薪不低於55,000元
  • 實施工時上限規定,每週不超過44小時
  • 設立特殊科別津貼,對高壓力科別提供額外補助
  • Establish minimum salary standards for nursing staff, ensuring starting salaries of at least NT$55,000
  • Implement working hour limits not exceeding 44 hours weekly
  • Establish special department allowances for high-pressure specialties


Mid to Long-term Strategies

  • 建立專業外籍護理人員引進機制
  • 擴大專科護理師制度,提供明確的專業發展路徑
  • 增加非臨床職涯發展選項
  • 建立醫療暴力防治專案,加強醫院安全措施
  • Establish mechanisms for introducing professional foreign nursing staff
  • Expand the specialist nurse system to provide clear professional development paths
  • Increase non-clinical career development options
  • Establish healthcare violence prevention programs and strengthen hospital security

結語 Conclusion


Taiwan’s healthcare staffing shortage has become a public health crisis. Addressing this issue requires joint efforts from the government, healthcare institutions, educational units, and the general public. Only through comprehensive action can Taiwan maintain a quality healthcare system and ensure public health.

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