



2025年3月2日,第97屆奧斯卡金像獎於洛杉磯杜比劇院舉行,由知名主持人柯南·歐布萊恩(Conan O’Brien)主持。今年的奧斯卡不僅迎來多個歷史性時刻,還首次由Hulu同步直播,標誌著奧斯卡正式進入串流時代。

On March 2, 2025, the 97th Academy Awards took place at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, hosted by the renowned Conan O’Brien. This year’s Oscars not only featured historic moments but also marked a major shift with Hulu live-streaming the event for the first time, signaling the Academy’s adaptation to the streaming era.

最大贏家:《Anora》奪最佳影片,Dune 2、Wicked 亦表現亮眼Biggest Winner: “Anora” Takes Best Picture, While “Dune 2” and “Wicked” Shine

本屆奧斯卡競爭激烈,最終《Anora》奪得最佳影片,成為當晚最大贏家,此外,《Dune: Part Two》與《Wicked》也分別在多個技術獎項中大放異彩。

This year’s Oscars saw intense competition, with “Anora” winning Best Picture and becoming the night’s biggest winner. Meanwhile, “Dune: Part Two” and “Wicked” also made their mark, securing multiple technical awards.

本屆重要得獎名單 Key Winners of the Night

  • Anora – 最佳影片 & 最佳原創劇本
  • Dune: Part Two – 最佳視覺效果 & 最佳音效
  • Wicked – 最佳藝術指導 & 最佳服裝設計
  • The Rough Architect – 最佳剪輯 & 最佳攝影
  • 《璀璨女人夢(The Glorious Woman’s Dream)》 – 最佳外語片


One of the highlights was “The Glorious Woman’s Dream” receiving 13 nominations, setting a record for the most-nominated non-English language film. This further emphasized the increasing influence of international cinema at the Oscars.

歷史性突破:首位跨性別演員獲奧斯卡提名A Historic First: The First Openly Transgender Acting Nominee


今年奧斯卡迎來了一個歷史性時刻,卡拉·索菲亞·加斯孔(Karla Sofía Gascón)成為首位獲得奧斯卡演技類提名的公開跨性別演員。這一舉動被視為影壇在性別多元性上的重大進展,象徵奧斯卡向更具包容性的方向發展。

This year’s Oscars made history as Karla Sofía Gascón became the first openly transgender actor nominated for an acting award. This milestone was seen as a significant step forward for gender diversity in Hollywood, marking a move toward a more inclusive Academy.


However, Gascón’s nomination was overshadowed by controversy. Shortly after the announcement, past social media posts resurfaced, containing Islamophobic, racist, and homophobic remarks. These comments sparked widespread backlash, with some even calling for the Academy to revoke her nomination.

加斯孔隨後發表公開道歉,並在CNN訪問中試圖澄清立場,但許多觀眾與影評人認為她的回應並不充分。此外,Netflix 作為《璀璨女人夢》的發行公司對此保持沉默,這也讓這場風波持續延燒。

Gascón later issued a public apology and attempted to clarify her stance in a CNN interview, but many viewers and critics felt her response was inadequate. Additionally, Netflix, the distributor of “The Glorious Woman’s Dream,” chose to remain silent, fueling further debate.

串流平台崛起:Hulu 首次直播奧斯卡影響深 Streaming Takes Over: Hulu’s First Oscars Live-Stream and Its Impact

今年奧斯卡另一個重大變革是Hulu 獲得首次直播權,這一舉動不僅顯示串流平台在影視產業的影響力日增,也可能改變未來奧斯卡的播出模式。

Another major shift this year was Hulu securing exclusive live-streaming rights for the first time. This move showcased the growing dominance of streaming platforms in the film industry and hinted at possible changes to how the Oscars will be broadcast in the future.

隨著 Netflix、Amazon Prime 和 Apple TV+ 等串流平台的崛起,奧斯卡的觀眾群體與傳播方式也在發生變化。這次Hulu 的直播表現亮眼,未來是否會有更多串流平台加入奧斯卡轉播競爭,甚至影響投票機制,值得關注。

With the rise of Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Apple TV+, the Oscars’ audience demographics and broadcasting methods are evolving. Hulu’s successful live stream this year raises questions about whether more streaming platforms will enter the race for Oscars broadcasting rights or even influence the Academy’s voting process.

 奧斯卡的未來:代表性與責任的平衡點?The Future of the Oscars: Balancing Representation and Accountability


The 97th Academy Awards sparked many discussions, from representation and the rise of streaming platforms to the scrutiny of nominees’ past actions. These issues go beyond the Oscars and will shape the future of the film industry.

關鍵問題Key Questions:

  • 奧斯卡應該如何在支持多元代表性的同時,回應提名者的過去行為爭議?
  • How should the Academy support diversity while addressing controversies surrounding nominees’ past actions?
  • 串流平台的加入,是否會影響未來電影獎項的公平性與評選標準?
  • Will the involvement of streaming platforms affect the fairness and selection criteria of future film awards?
  • 觀眾的期待與產業變遷,將如何改變奧斯卡的未來?
  • How will changing audience expectations and industry trends reshape the future of the Oscars?


As the film industry continues to evolve, these discussions will persist, and the Academy will face more challenges and opportunities in the years to come.

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