Two ex-Uber drivers in London brought a case to the Supreme Court to fight for their workers’ rights. Uber insisted that all its drivers are self-employed rather than employees of the firm. It saw itself as a platform to connect drivers and passengers. Uber drivers are free to choose whether to accept trips offered to them and able to decide at will when to use the app.
However, drivers claimed that Uber had strict control over them, which made them more like workers than independent contractors. They pointed out that by classing its drivers as freelancers, Uber avoids having to provide minimum wage, holiday pay, and paid rest breaks. The final judgment will affect tens of thousands of people who earn a living in the gig economy nowadays.
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court是法庭,take sb/sth to court是「把某人/某件事告上法院」的意思。此案從2016年開始,Uber一路上訴到如今的最高法院,若最高法院仍維持判定「Uber駕駛為員工而非自雇者」,Uber將需付出大筆的補償金,並提供英國法律對員工的相關保障給旗下司機。文末的「零工經濟gig economy」是指企業跟獨立工作者簽訂短期合約的工作模式,
A group of users took the company to court for leaking their personal information.
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