COVID-19 is threatening to steal Christmas. Lots of cities in the UK are cancelling their Christmas markets. Even Lincoln Christmas market, the oldest in the UK, has been cancelled for the first time since 1982.
However, this has also led to creative alternatives. Some restaurants are offering Christmas-in-a-box deliveries for virtual office parties. Some Christmas markets are going digital. In addition, a company is touring the world’s first drive-in Christmas pantomime, enabling people to join the British traditional activity from their cars in a socially distanced setting.
COVID-19 愈來愈令人備感威脅,幾乎要把聖誕節「偷走」了!英國許多城市都取消聖誕市集活動,就連當地歷史最悠久的林肯聖誕市集,也是自 1982 年舉辦以來首度取消。
pantomime 為「啞劇」,是英國在聖誕期間會演出的傳統戲劇,通常也會以簡寫 panto 表示。
The story of pantomime is a tale of dragons and heros.
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