台灣護照很不錯!免簽國數量全世界排名第30 Taiwan’s passport is the 30th most powerful in the world

How powerful is your passport?

The Henley Passport Index ranks the 199 passports based on the number of destinations their holders can travel visa-free, and Taiwan’s passport is the 30th most powerful in the world. Taiwan Citizens can travel to 146 countries without applying for a visa.

Japan occupied the first for the third consecutive years. Holders of this passport are able to visit 193 destinations without a visa. Singapore ranked as the second, followed by South Korea and Germany.

However, the civil war in Afghanistan makes the country’s passport the least desirable. Holders of this passport can only visit 26 destinations without a visa.


你的護照好用嗎?「恆理護照指數」針對 199 個國家旅行免簽目的地數量進行排名,台灣護照在全世界排名第 30 名,台灣公民不需事先申請簽證就可前往 146 個國家。

在這份排名中,日本連續三年獨佔鰲頭,護照持有者可以免簽前往 193 個目的地。新加坡排名第二,南韓和德國則排名第三。

不過,阿富汗連年內戰也讓其護照排名墊底,只能免簽造訪 26 個目的地。



可以說:I can visit the cocuntry without a visa.

或是:I can travel to the country without applying for a visa.

或是把旅行目的地當作主詞:Japan is a visa-free country for Taiwan.


  • passport (n.) 護照
  • holder (n.) 持有者
  • apply (v.) 申請
  • occupy (v.) 佔據
  • consecutive (adj.) 連續的
  • civil war (n.) 內戰
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