美籍台裔少女Liya Chu贏得烹飪節目「小小廚神」冠軍頭銜‘MasterChef Junior’ title goes to Taiwanese-American Liya Chu

Liya Chu, a Taiwanese-American girl, won first place in the eighth season of the US MasterChef Junior. Chu was ten years old when she participated in the competition. She has kept the secret to herself for three years because the show was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chu’s parents come from Taiwan and have run two restaurants in New York. She has been helping out in restaurants after school since she was five and learning cooking skills working side-by-side with her parents in the kitchens starting at seven.

In the final episode,aired in late June, Chu was crowned the champion with a magnificent spread. Throughout the show, she served dishes with Asian-flavor fusion cuisine, showing her Taiwanese heritage from her parents. Chu walked away with US$100,000, which she said she would save to pay for college and a family trip.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

美籍台裔少女Liya Chu(中文名朱如茵)日前贏得了知名美國烹飪節目《小小廚神》第八季的冠軍。Liya三年前參加比賽的時候年僅10歲。因為疫情影響的關係,節目不斷延遲播出,她也將自己獲得冠軍的這個秘密,守口如瓶地藏了三年。



輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

walk away with 的意思是「贏得(比賽、獎項、獎金…)」,且帶有一種從容獲勝的氛圍,暗示「輕易地帶走、輕鬆地獲得…」。

Michael Phelps walked away with five gold medals in the 2016 Olympics. 


  • crown (v.) 戴上皇冠;達到巔峰
  • magnificent (adj.) 非常棒的
  • spread (n.) (豐盛的)飯菜
  • fusion cuisine 融合式料理
  • heritage (n.) (文化類)遺產,通常指具有傳承歷史意義的建築、語言等
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