World-famous movie star Brad Pitt said in a recent interview that he might have prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness. He has never been officially diagnosed with this neurological disorder, though.
It is not the first time he has mentioned the condition.
The inability to remember people’s faces made him so embarrassed that Pitt even wanted to isolate himself. He has suffered for years and wants to meet others who can relate.
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, people with prosopagnosia might have difficulties distinguishing unknown faces or recognizing familiar faces, even of their family members. They might be born with the condition or acquire it later in life. Scientists are still not sure what causes the disorder.
國際知名電影巨星布萊德彼特在近期一次專訪中提到,他可能患有「臉孔失認症」(prosopagnosia),也稱作「臉盲症」(face blindness)。不過,他倒是從未經過正式診斷患有這種神經疾病。
根據美國國家神經疾病暨中風研究所( the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NINDS),臉孔失認症患者可能難以辨識不認識的臉孔,或是無法認出熟悉的臉孔,即使是親人的臉也沒辦法。他們可能生來就有這個病症,或是後天才出現這個症狀。時至今日,科學家仍舊不確定這個疾病的成因究竟為何。
在口語上,可以用relate to來表示「跟…有共鳴、可以理解…」,對象可以是對人、也可以是對事物。
Their similar background made it easy for them to relate to each other.