陳潔瑤奪金馬最佳導演 成為首位台籍女性得主 Laha Mebow becomes First Taiwanese woman to win Best Director!

Taiwanese Atayal film director Laha Mebow won the Golden Horse Award for best director for her Taiwanese drama GAGA, while Taiwanese actress Sylvia Chang won best leading actress for the third time after her last win 36 years ago.

GAGA depicts conflicts between indigenous traditions and contemporary society. By being named best director, Mebow became the first Taiwanese woman to win in this category.

Chang won the award for her compelling performance in the Hong Kong movie A Light Never Goes Out. She has accumulated countless nominations at the awards over the years in several categories, including 10 for best leading actress.

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「哈勇家」的故事描繪了原住民傳統文化與當代社會之間的衝突。陳潔瑤贏得最佳導演後,讓她成為第一位獲得此獎項的台灣女性。 至於張艾嘉則是憑藉著香港電影《燈火闌珊》中的精彩表演,獲得影后殊榮。多年來,張艾嘉已是金馬入圍常客,在多個類別中獲得了無數提名,其中包括10次最佳女主角的最高紀錄。



最佳男主角一般都說Best Actor, 最佳女主角則是Best Actress

但有些獎項為了強調「主角」,則會加上 Best Actor/Actress in a leading role

來與Best Supporting Actor/ Actress 最佳男/女配角做區隔。

同理,最佳男/女配角也可以說Best Actor/Actress in a supporting role


  • Atayal (adj.) 泰雅族的
  • depict (v.) 描繪
  • conflict (n.) 衝突
  • compelling (adj.) 引人入勝的、扣人心弦的
  • accumulate (v.) 累積
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