如何在新的一年提昇心靈健康?How to improve your mental health in 2023

The past year has been difficult. The pandemic continued; war broke out in Europe; we experienced natural disasters and inflations. It is critical to find new strategies to combat stress in our lives and build psychological resilience. First, you should pay attention to the physical signs of burnout, and understand how burnout differs from depression.

To improve your mental health, you can find joy in a workout, or turn to the wilderness for healing. You can also use your anxiety as an asset, as anxiety can help you face your fears and build personal strength. Most importantly, your wellness is ‘non-negotiable.’ Treat yourself nicely this new year.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

新年快樂!過去的一年對很多來說,是很困難的時期。疫情仍在繼續、歐洲爆發戰爭,不少的自然災害和通貨膨脹,都讓我們心力交瘁。因此,找到新的策略來處理我們生活中的壓力,並建立心理的韌性,是至關重要的新年新希望。 首先,我們要先注意到自己倦怠的跡象,並了解倦怠與憂鬱的區別。

為了改善你的心理健康,你可以透過運動中,找到樂趣,或者轉向大自然,獲得療癒。 你還可以將焦慮作為一種「資產」,因為焦慮可以幫助你面對恐懼,並增強個人力量。最重要的是,你的健康是「不容商量妥協的」。新年新希望,就是在新的一年裡善待自己。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

Burnout是非常實用的單字。由動詞片語的burn out 合併而來,意思就是「筋疲力竭」、「過勞」,就像是被燃燒殆盡的感覺。職業過勞就可以說Occupational burnout。例句:

  • If you keep working like this, you’ll suffer from burnout.  如果你繼續這樣工作,你會心力交瘁。

Burn out也可以指「弄得心力交瘁」,例句:

  • Don’t let your work burn you out. 別讓你的工作累死你。


  • Break out 爆發
  • Inflation (n.) 通貨膨脹
  • Resilience (n.) 韌性
  • Asset (n.) 資產
  • Wellness (n.) 健康
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