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Host: Welcome back to more English podcasts at TutorABC.com, and today we’re diving into the celestial spectacle that has astronomers and sky-watchers alike buzzing with excitement—the total solar eclipse of 2024.
Host: 歡迎回到TutorABC,今天我們將深入探討讓天文學家和觀星者都興奮不已的天文奇觀——2024年日全食。
Host: A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, casting its shadow on our planet. This rare alignment creates a breathtaking display as the moon completely blocks out the sun, turning day into an eerie twilight.
Host: 日食發生在月球經過地球和太陽之間,將其影子投射到我們的星球上。這種罕見的對齊現象會創造出令人驚嘆的景象,月球完全遮擋住太陽,使白天變成一種神秘的黃昏。
In just a few short years, on April 8th, 2024, North America will bear witness to one of nature’s most awe-inspiring events—a total solar eclipse. Stretching from Mexico to Canada, the path of totality will traverse the continent, offering millions of spectators the chance to witness this cosmic ballet firsthand.
Host: If you’re lucky enough to find yourself within the path of totality, you’ll experience the true magic of a total solar eclipse. As the moon fully obscures the sun, the sky darkens, revealing stars and planets that are typically hidden during the day. The sun’s corona—a halo of plasma that surrounds the sun—will shine brilliantly, painting the sky with its ethereal glow.
But the spectacle doesn’t stop there. During totality, the temperature may drop, birds may fall silent, and a sense of awe and wonder will wash over you as you witness this celestial phenomenon.
Host: 如果你足夠幸運,身處於全食帶內,你將體驗到日全食的真正魔力。當月球完全遮擋住太陽,天空變暗,顯現出白天通常隱藏的星星和行星。太陽的日冕——包圍太陽的等離子體光環——將閃耀著奇異的光芒,為天空染上夢幻的色彩。
Host: Even if you’re not within the path of totality, a partial solar eclipse will still be visible across much of North America. Grab a pair of solar viewing glasses or create a pinhole projector to safely observe the sun’s transformation as the moon takes a bite out of its fiery disk.
Remember, safety first! Staring directly at the sun, even during an eclipse, can cause permanent eye damage. So be sure to use proper eye protection or indirect viewing methods.
Host: 即使你不在全食帶內,北美大部分地區仍然可以看到日偏食。戴上一副太陽觀測眼鏡或製作一個針孔投影儀來安全地觀察太陽在月球遮擋下的變化。 記住,安全第一!即使在日食期間,直接盯著太陽看也會導致永久性的眼睛損傷。因此,務必要使用合適的眼睛保護措施或間接觀察方法。
Host: So mark your calendars and start planning your eclipse viewing adventure now. Whether you’re within the path of totality or watching from afar, the total solar eclipse of 2024 promises to be an experience you’ll never forget—a fleeting moment of cosmic beauty that reminds us of the wonders that lie beyond our world.
That’s all for today’s podcast at TutorABC.com. Join us next time as we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe. Until then, keep looking up!
Host: 所以,標記好你的日曆,開始計劃你的日食觀賞冒險吧。無論你是在全食帶內還是遠處觀看,2024年的日全食都將是一段你永遠不會忘記的經歷——這稍縱即逝的宇宙之美,提醒著我們在這個世界之外的奇蹟。
Don’t forget to stay tuned with TutorABC.com for more interesting topics in English. You can also find relevant online sessions live on the platform. We look forward to seeing you on air again!
Host: 別忘了繼續關注TutorABC獲取更多有趣的英語話題。您還可以在平台上找到相關的在線直播課程。我們期待再次與您在空中相見!
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