【托福學習寶典】TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Questions


托福口說 – 個人意見題

Some people like to negotiate with the seller to get to an appropriate price when shopping, while other people like to buy things immediately at a fixed price. Which do you prefer?


negotiate with the seller

I prefer to negotiate with the seller to obtain a reasonable price while shopping. Firstly, students often face financial constraints due to their limited ability to earn money while pursuing their education. By negotiating for a lower price, I can save a significant amount of money. Plus, with the money I save, I can make more informed purchasing decisions over time. Additionally, negotiating with the seller provides an excellent opportunity for me to develop my interpersonal skills, which can contribute to my future career success. For these reasons, I prefer to negotiate with the seller.

buy things immediately

When it comes to shopping, I prefer to buy things immediately at a fixed price rather than negotiating with the seller. This approach offers several advantages that suit my personal shopping style and preferences.

Firstly, purchasing items at a fixed price saves time and reduces uncertainty. I value efficiency in my shopping experience, and knowing the exact cost upfront allows me to make quick decisions without the need for lengthy negotiations. This is particularly beneficial when I have a busy schedule or need to make purchases swiftly.

Additionally, buying at a fixed price provides a sense of reliability and fairness. It ensures that both the seller and I agree on a transparent transaction without the potential for misunderstandings or disagreements that can arise during negotiations. This clarity promotes a positive shopping experience where I can trust that the price reflects the item’s value accurately.

Moreover, opting for fixed prices aligns with my preference for convenience and simplicity. It eliminates the need to engage in bargaining, which can sometimes feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar. By choosing fixed prices, I can focus more on selecting the right products and enjoying the overall shopping process.

In conclusion, I prefer to buy things immediately at a fixed price because it saves time, ensures fairness, and aligns with my preference for convenience. This approach allows me to streamline my shopping experience while ensuring a straightforward and satisfactory transaction for both parties involved.

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