KFC wants to 3D print chicken nuggets. Would you try them? 肯德基未來將推出「3D列印雞塊」,你想嘗試嗎?

KFC is partnering with a Russian research laboratory to develop bioprinting technology. They will try to create the world’s first laboratory-produced chicken nuggets using chicken cells and plant material.

The nuggets will look and taste a lot like KFC’s original chicken. However, the chicken restaurant chain said the bioprinted meat would be more environment-friendly than the standard chicken meat, including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption.

Once available, would you like to have an order of the 3D-printed nuggets?


最近,肯德基與俄羅斯的 3D 列印技術實驗室合作研發 3D 生物列印技術,希望可以利用雞肉細胞和植物材料來創造世界上第一款由實驗室所生產的雞塊。

這樣的 3D 列印雞塊,據說不管是看起來、嚐起來,都跟肯德基原本的雞塊一模一樣;但這間知名的雞肉餐廳連鎖店說,生物列印的肉類比原本的雞肉更環保,不只能降低碳排放,生產過程中的耗能也較低。

如果這樣的生物列印肉品未來真的上市,你敢不敢點一份 3D 列印雞塊來吃吃看呢?


partner with 是「與他人或組織合作、同夥」,在這裡的 partner 是動詞。

例句:The company partnered with a NPO to launch a campaign. 這間公司與非營利組織攜手共同推出一項活動。


  • 3D print  3D 列印
  • bioprint v. 生物列印
  • nugget n. 小塊。通常指塊狀的物體,前面加上 chicken 或 fish 就是雞塊或魚塊
  • cell n. 細胞
  • chain n. 連鎖店
  • greenhouse gas emission n. 溫室氣體排放
  • energy consumption n. 耗能
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