Instagram is traditionally a platform to share lifestyle content, but for millennials and Generation Z, it has become the main source of the latest news.
New figures have revealed that in Germany, about 38% of 18-to-24-year-olds used Instagram alone to access the news. Figures reached even higher levels in Argentina, where about 49% of young people used IG as their news source.
Researchers said young people turned to social media because of the mistrust of mainstream media, but this trend is not without its dangers. Content-creation-for-all has democratized news, but it remains an imperfect system with biases, fake news, and polarized viewpoints.
原本 Instagram 是分享生活近況的平台,但對千禧世代和 Z 世代而言,卻逐漸成為主要新聞資訊來源管道。
最新調查數據顯示,德國 18 至 24 歲的年輕族群中,有高達 38% 只透過 Instagram 來閱讀新聞。而在阿根廷這個情況更顯著,有高達 49% 年輕人把 Instagram 當作獲取新聞資訊的管道。
今天來學一個英文中常見、但中文翻譯卻有很多種的單字。access 如果作為名詞,是
例句:Our goal is to give users easy access to the necessary information. 我們的目標,是讓使用者可以輕鬆地取得所需資訊。
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