波蘭「無同志區」小鎮 歐盟拒絕提供資金E.U. Will Not Fund Six Polish Towns That Declared Themselves ‘L.G.B.T. Free’

Six Polish towns will not receive any funding from the European Union as a result of declaring themselves “L.G.B.T.-free zones.”

The E.U. has said that the Polish authorities who adopted “L.G.B.T.-free zone” resolutions failed to respect the values and fundamental rights that the E.U. upholds, and their funding applications have therefore been rejected.

The Polish government has been harsh on L.G.B.T people, which has been blamed for violence against the community. President Andrzej Duda even said “L.G.B.T. ideology” was more dangerous than communist doctrine in his presidential campaign.

The Polish justice minister argued that the E.U. should respect the national identities of all member countries, but the president of the European Commission stood by the decision.

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Adopt這個字有許多意思,文章中the Polish authorities that adopted “L.G.B.T.-free zones” resolutions,這裡的adopt為「採用、採納」的意思,其他例句包括:

  • After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 經過再三考慮,總統決定採納她的意見
  • The assembly adopted a new constitution. 這個集會採用了新的憲法


  • That young couple adopted a boy. 那對年輕伴侶領養了一個男孩
  • He was adopted as an infant. 他在嬰兒時期就被領養


例句:He was born in England but he has adopted Canada as his home. 他在英國出生,但以把加拿大當作第二故鄉。


  • Funding 資金
  • Fundamental  基本的
  • Doctrine 教條


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